50 Years of Kappa League


A Little Unknown Kappa Guide Right Story: Surviving Law School

By Brian Covington and Cameron Murray

H istorically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are essential to the African American Communities at large. HBCUs were the first institu- tions of higher learning to provide black students with the opportunity to obtain higher education when essentially no other college admission programs would allow their admittance. As a result of a lawsuit by an African American resident seeking to attend law school at Loui- siana State University, the Southern University Law Center (SULC f/k/a Southern University School of Law) was created on December 16, 1946. Forty years following the creation of the SULC, in 1986, 17 th Grand

and the need to mentor aspiring attor- neys, assembled ten law students for a “talk” on how to survive law school. Now, thirty-three years later, that tradi- tion continues. Initially, through the help of 31 st Grand Polemarch Dwayne M. Murray and his law partner, Attorney Marty L. White, the talk that started in 1986 strives. Over the years, the “talk” has developed from a conversation about how to survive law school to an actual coordination of prior class materials among law students, a book exchange program, law clerkships, networking, building your resume, job interview techniques, bar examination preparation and more. The initial class to attend the “talk”

Polemarch, Richard B. Millspaugh, Jr. (Adjunct Professor of Law) and Brother Harold Isadore (Assistant Law Librar- ian) aware of the struggles of our nation


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