50 Years of Kappa League


with Grand Polemarch Millspaugh and law librarian Attorney Isadore included: Joshua Frank, Anthony Boyce, Errol Conley, Dwayne Murray, Maurice Wil- liams, Robbins Grahams, Gus Farver, Marty L. White Oliver Johnson and Alfano Kemp. Grand Polemarch Mill- spaugh and Brother Isadore stressed the importance of obtaining a law degree and the impact one could make on society. Grand Polemarch Millspaugh discussed his journey that lead him to law school and his path to success as the first African American City of Attorney for the City of Opelousas. Isadore discussed the academic rigor required of law student and the fact that the prac- tice of law requires constant education and training. At the start of the 2019 Fall se- mester, Attorney Preston Castille, the first African American partner at Taylor Porter hosted at his firm, Kappa law students from Southern Univer- sity Law Center and Louisiana State University Law School. This program dubbed: The 33 rd Gathering of Kappa Law Students and Kappa Lawyers was a great success. This all Kappa mentor- ing program consisted of Kappa lawyers providing insight regarding their practice

areas and retired Judge Curtis Calloway discussing, The Road from Lawyer to Judgeship. Judge Calloway discussed the litiga- tion that ultimately resulted in his ability to sit as an elected judge in Louisiana. African American registered voters and a voting rights organization in Louisiana, filed suit in the District Court, challeng- ing the validity of Louisiana's electoral scheme for certain judges under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The act required legal preclearance from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia or executive preclearance from the United States Attorney General before employing new voting practices, in order to stop changes

that have a discriminatory purpose or ef- fect. Calloway stressed the need for the development civil rights attorneys and urged the students to consider this area of law as a path of fulfillment. On February 1, 2020, students were invited to the LSU campus for a two hour workshop on time management and how to survive the second semester of law school. Just as Southern University Law Center is proud of the tradition estab- lished by the original School of Law—to provide quality legal education commen- surate with high professional standards. Kappa lawyers following the Millspaugh and Isadore tradition are inspired each semester to meet, greet and guide the future of Kappa Lawyers. Opposite page: Louisiana Assistant Attorney General Marty L. White shares with students point on litigation strategy. White has tried over 60 jury trials. Below: First Kappa Lawyers Kappa Law Students Mentoring Program-SULC 1986- Seated from left: Joshua Frank, 17 th Grand Polemarch Richard B. Millspaugh, Jr. and Alfano Kemp. Standing from left: Anthony Boyce, Errol Conley, Dwayne Murray, Maurice Williams, Robbins Grahams, Assistant Law Librarian Harold Isadore, Augusta Farver, Marty L. White and Oliver Johnson.


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