with other members of the leadership team.” This was the ethos communi- cated to brothers in attendance during the Strategus/Lt. Strategus workshop. Brother Wiggins expressed the need to reflect upon the phrase of “know- ing our past to prepare for our future.” Brothers raised more than 30 inquiries, comments, and follow-ups during the Strategus/Lt. Strategus Workshop. The philosophical key attributes which merit attention as a member of Kappa Alpha Psi are highlighted below as essential qualities worth remembering: • The promotion of excellence and facilitation • The pleasure of providing faith- ful service • The dignity of organizational excellence • The power of compassionate kindness • The positive influence of a role model • The wisdom of strategic plan- ning • The importance of perseverance • The wise use of odd moments • The significance of Phi Nu Pi • The true worth of character • The value of diplomacy • The nobility of duty Brother Wiggins provided an “All- Star” listing of brothers during the Strategus/Lt. Strategus workshop who served as Grand Strategus from Founder Byron K. Armstrong to George F. David, II., C. Felton Gayles, Randall C. Bacon, Dr. James Baker Abram, Jr., Dr. William Thomas Carter, and Ernest H. Daven- port, CPA. Brother Wiggins encouraged broth- ers to remember a life quote by Biologist Thomas Henry Huxley regarding the role of the Strategus/Lt. Strategus. “Thought- fulness for others, generosity, modesty, and self-respect are the qualities which make a real gentleman.”
“what kind of Strategus or Lt. Strategus are you striving to become?”
Essentially, we charted a new direc- tion with proffering the chapter board member training workshop for 433 brothers.
Historian/Reporter Workshop
The Historian/Reporter workshop led by our Grand Historian Brother Kevin P. Scott focused on providing Chapter/ Province Historians with a basic founda- tion of knowledge to properly collect and preserve Chapter/Province History. In addition, he shared with Chap- ter/Province Reporters how they may more effectively record an account of member/Chapter/Province events and achievements in real time.
Guide Right Workshop
The Guide Right workshop led by Kevin L. Burnett, National Guide Chair- man focused upon and provided an overview of the certification process of our National Service Program. • The goal of the Guide Right Certification is to implement best practices in all Guide Right programs to mitigate risk and promote safety • Guide Right Certification is a requirement in order to conduct
Chapter Board Member Workshop
The Chapter Board Members work- shop conducted by Alumni Grand Board Members Robert L. Jenkins, Jr., Esq., and Jwyanza B. Watt was groundbreak-
a Guide Right program • To start the Guide Right Certi- fication process, the following items must be performed: 1. Complete level 3 background checks on all Guide Right vol- unteers 2. Ensure Guide Right finances have had a recent audit 3. Submit IHQ insurance forms identifying all Guide Right pro- gram activities 4. Local chapter Guide Right
ing because traditionally this train- ing was never previously designed for chapter board members to experience. Therefore, brothers, officers and board members were truly exposed to train- ing for the very first time because this training was not otherwise offered at the local chapter or during the C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conference. Brother Watt differentiated between governance and management regarding the role of a board member. Both Brothers Jenkins and Watt discussed the key duties and responsibilities of chapter board mem- bers. Specifically, Brother Jenkins pointed out the legal responsibilities including the Duties of Care, Loyalty and Obedi-
leaders must complete a youth protection training and input the required information into the Certification website data entry screens included the Chapter Polemarch, Keeper of Records,
The fundamental and perennial question that brothers pondered was
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