ReQuest: Having A Healthy Spine Prevents Back Pain


What’s the best desk for you? Using a standing desk as opposed to a traditional sitting desk has been proven to lower one’s chances of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. Nevertheless, standing desks are not for everyone, especially those with joint or vascular conditions. Youmay be asking, “doesn’t standing all day long have its own implications?” The short answer is – yes. Anything without moderation can have its pitfalls. Standing can boost your energy levels, concentration, and even your mood, but if you have a traditional 9-5 job, chances are that level of productivity will dissipate after a while. Standing for too long can cause you to run out of energy quicker and can take a toll on your physical comfort. Many medical professionals recommend adjustable desks for workplace environments, so employees can spend a large amount of their day standing or stretching, with the opportunity to rest when they become tired. Making the most out of your work day: Studies suggest whether you choose a standing or adjustable desk for your work day, integrative support can be beneficial in easing yourself into the new setting. In fact, those who participated in some sort of integrative support program for their

standing or adjustable desk stood for an average of 50 minutes longer each day than those who did not. In addition to the type of desk you stand at, ergonomics is also an important concept to keep in mind. Ergonomic laptop desks and chairs can promote proper posture and decrease the risk for back problems, while workplace design can make an impact on employee happiness, productivity, and well-being. Get assistance from a physical therapist: At ReQuest Physical Therapy, we can provide specialized programs for making the most out of your work day. Our programs focus on integrative support for beginning a new workplace lifestyle, such as implementing a standing or adjustable desk into your daily routine. We can also provide you with tips and techniques for arranging the best ergonomically efficient area to work. Don’t let the stresses of work take a toll on your physical health! There are several steps you can take to improve your posture, strength, energy, and overall wellbeing throughout the workday. Schedule an appointment with ReQuest Physical Therapy today to get started on some integrative lifestyle changes that can help brighten your mood, enhance your creativity, and reduce your risk of developing health issues while you are at work!

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