King's Business - 1926-11


November 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


mitted man tfc have a share in, for “ He that winneth souls is wise; and they that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever.” m WORK AMONG THE JEWS David L. Cooper, Supt.— Bible Claeses and Personal Work, Street Meetings and Semi- Monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles. school and have been assigned to the various departments in which to do their assigned work. Through the kindness of Miss Carter, who assigns the young ladies to the various depart­ ments, we have twenty young ladies to do work in the Jewish Department. These students are the more j mature type who are able to understand Jew­ ish prejudices and approach them in the least offensive manner. Also through the kindness of Mr. Whitwell, eleven young men have been given to us to do visitation, Btreet and cottage lecture work. Jewish Mass Meeting On September 26„ our regular Jew­ ish mass meeting was especially blessed of the Lord. The audience was the largest thus far gathered. More Jewish people Vere present than at any previous meeting. The writer began a series of expository sermons 1oh the Book of James, which lecture was‘followed by testimonies from Jew­ ish Christians, which were especially clear and which brought a blessing to all. More unbelieving Jews were pres­ ent. at this meeting than have ever been at any of the other meetings. Two New Workers For some time we have realized that the work was growing so rapidly that it was impossible for the present force to do the work. Hence, numbers of us have been praying the Lord of the Harvest “ to send forth laborers into His Harvest.” The Lord has brought to us two new workers in the persons of Mr. Joseph Johnson, an ex-mission­ ary to Africa, and Miss Ella Mae Can- ney. Years-ago the Lord laid it upon their hearts to do Jewish work. They both entered the department, giving their entire time, and looking to the Lord to supply their needs. Lei every one who reads these notes pray daily to'the Lord to send in the neces­ sary funds. Cottage Meetings Our meetings in cottages, in which we use the lantern and Biblical pic­ tures, are being blessed of God in a wonderful way. At these cottage meetings in Jewish -homes we gather all the way from ten Jewish people to two or three dozen, to whom we preach the Gospel, quietly and without any interruption for an hour. At the con­ clusion we receive a hearty welcome to return to give another message. At INCH the last report in the October issue the work in the Jewish Department has been moving along steadily. The students have returned to

the work of the patient, faithful Sun­ day School teacher, of the friends who pleaded with him to “ step over the line’’ ; of the dear old pastor who preached so earnestly and faithfully; of- the evangelist who poured out his soul in trying to reach the hearts of his heárers; of the unknown hand •which held out the tract? All these surely can be sure of receiving their share in the final accounting. Something of this came to us as we watched a young man one evening, leave his seat in the church, walk down the aisle and take the preacher’s hand. He happened to be the only one that evening who responded to the invitation, but just a few hours before he had been dealt with by a “ watcher for souls.” As we listened to his story later on, we learned of the godly parents, labor­ ing in prayer for years for their boy’s conversion. Many a time he had stopped in front of Biola Hall and had listened as one after another of the men gaye out the message of grace, and many- other influences, doubtless, had been used of God during the years, to bring him to the place of conversion. This lad had been familiar with the story of the cross all his life. It was an "old story” to his oiitward ear, but the heart had remained untouched until that memorable evening when as the Holy Spirit pressed the truth with convicting power the resistance was broken down and the will consented to let the Saviour enter the open door. With the entrance of God’s Word came almost, immediately a vision of service. Born of the Hebrew race, like Saul of Tarsus, he at once asked the question, “ Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” And, beginning at the spot where he first saw the light, he began witnessing and testifying, tackling all sorts and conditions of men, reasoning from the Scriptures and affirming that Jesus is the Christ, and having the blessed joy of winning many to the Lord. Rarely a night passes since his con­ version that he cannot be seen in front of Biola Hall, engaged in the greatest and most profitable work God ever per­



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