
2B — March 27 - April 9, 2015 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


O wners , D evelopers &M anagers ABM is founding sponsor of industry awards program IREM launches “The REMEs” to celebrate real estate mgmt. T help spark further innovation within our industry.” its founding sponsor. The first “REMEs” will be awarded next October, during IREM’s 2015 fall conference. he REMEs, an awards program designed to identify and honor excel-

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ABM senior VP of sales & marketing, Bob Clarke , had this to say: “IREM and ABM have shared commitments to integrity, collaboration, and innovation in our relationships and service delivery. We have long held IREM in the highest regard as an industry leader with great vision, and we’re delighted to be a partner in the exciting and new REMEs initiative.” Recipients will be honored with REMEs in these and other categories: • Real estate management companies for innovations and best practices in the areas of leadership, corporate respon- sibility, and the workplace environment. • Individual practitioners for achievements that define ex- cellence. • Companies and individuals making major contributions to real estate management industry innovation and ad- vancement. •Distinguished college stu- dents pursuing real estate management careers. n DMR Architects named one of njbiz’s Best Places to Work in NJ HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, NJ — DMR Architects , listed as #5 in NJBiz’s Top Architec- tural Firms in the State, has also been named by the publica- tion as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey (small to medium sized company). This survey and award pro- gram identifies, recognizes and honors the top places of employment in New Jersey that benefit the state’s economy, its workforce and businesses. The Best Places to Work in New Jersey program is made up of 100 companies split into two groups: 65 small/medium-sized companies (15-249 employees) and 35 large-sized companies (more than 250 employees). “We have grown from three teammembers to a staff of more than 30 but I’m proud that everyone still feels like they work in a small, family busi- ness atmosphere,” said Lloyd Rosenberg, AIA , president and CEO of DMR Architects. “I am grateful to our senior lead- ership for helping our staff feel happy and appreciated here.” n

lence among rea l es tate m a n a g e - ment practi- tioners and c omp a n i e s domestically and around t h e g l o b e , h a s b e e n

Said IREM 2014 president Lori Burger, CPM , com- menting on the new program: “The REMEs will celebrate the positive, far-reaching im- pact that real estate and asset management practitioners have on residents and tenants, property owners and investors, and the public at large. Most importantly, they will spotlight the innovative and transforma- tional activities and best prac- tices that underscore the value of what we do and, by example,


• Warehouse / manufacturing bldg. • 1000 amp electric service • 26’+ clear height • 9 TG’s, 1 DI • ESFR sprinkler system • Mezzanine • Skylights

Lori Burger

launched by IREM . The pro- gram was unveiled at IREM’s just-concluded Fall Leader- ship Conference in Orlando, FL, with credits to ABM , a provider of facility solutions, as

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