King's Business - 1942-11


November, 1942

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

efaiabw iu TRACTS{ Good News Christmas tracts are better =55 than ever this season. Send 25c or $1.00 §§§ for generous packets of the newest, finest Christmas tracts. Descriptive folder free. Good News Pub. Co., 322 W. Wash., Chicago

swered by . return cries from three cruisers, but only some unknown, friendly hand aboard the Houston had the quickness of response to throw them the illuminated life preserver. It was the light attached to it that guided a British destroyer to their rescue. What a vivid picture of the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ!” (cf. John 1:4, 5). II. “YE ARE THE LIGHT OF- THE WORLD”—THE VALUE OF LIGHT IS ILLUMINATION. 1. Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of the world. We are not called on to save men; only Christ can do that. We are called on to shine upon men, revealing to

them the truth concerning human life, the possibilities of life in Christ, giv­ ing them to know what life may be. We are called upon to be light. 2. Christ gives two illustrations of this light. a. A city on a hill (v. 14), lighted at night, can be seen from all the dis­ tant valleys and peaks. This is a picture of the influence of the united light of the church upon the heathen world lost in darkness. b. A candle (y. 15) or lamp gives light to all that are in the house. This is a picture of the influence of the individual believer exerted in his own immediate sphere —his home, school, or work. If the light is out, the bouse is dark. Alexander Mac- laren says, “No man Tighteth a lamp and puts it under a bushel; but sup­ posing he does, what will happen? One of two things: Either the bushel will put the lamp out, or the lamp will set fire to the bushel.” 3. We are the light of the world. Much is said about reflecting the light of Christ. When we received the Light of Life, it was not’ that we should reflect it, but that it might ignite and burn us. It is only as Christian young people are burning as well as shining lights, that the world knows they are the light of the world. III. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE—IT IS THE NATURE OF LIGHT TO SHINE. 1. Every thing in the natural world has its function to fulfill. a. Fire warms; water moistens; frost congeals; light shines because it is its nature to shine. b. Now, with the Christian, he is to radiate because it is his nature to do so, and thus fulfill his function. 2. It is the purpose of the Christian to glorify God. a. Our light is to so shine, that men may see good works, not just good words. b. Christianity has two arguments that no sincere person can resist. One. is the life of Christ as repealed in the Gospels, and the other is the life of-the Christian in whose heart dwells Christ. (1) “I must leave you,” said an infidel to the Christian, Fenelon, “for if I stay with you much longer, I will be a Christian.” (2) The South African explorer Stanley said that his association with David Livingstone compelled him to be a Christian. ' — For the Leader 1. Stress the importance of having the Light of Life. 2. Make a positive challenge for a radiant life for Christ.

B e s t W i s h e s from W . A . B R O W N

Pray for Army and Nayy Chaplains. See Page 412.

ARE THE JEWS DOOMED TO DESTRUCTION? It is now plain to all of us that the aim of the Nazi regime is the destruction of the iJews the world over. Already the Nazis have brutally murdered one million Jews since this war began. What Pharaoh and Haman, Nebuchadnezzar and Titus, failed to effect— the extermination of the Jewish people—Hitler is today trying to achieve. Will he succeed? Are the Jews doomed to destruction? No! A thousand times No, for God’s Word plainly teaches that the Jews are yet to be converted and made a blessing to the world (Jer. 32:35-37; Rom. 11:1, 15-26; Ezek. 36:25-27). JEWISH STARVATION AND AFFLICTION In th e meantime multitudes of Jews in Europe are going throughN Hostels or Refugee Homes for them in Great Britain. We give relief and

inconceivable h o r r o r s of starvation and s u f f e r i n g . Amongst t h e s e are large numbers of Hebrew Chris­ tian Refugees who reached the shores of England after escaping from Nazi hatred and persecution. We, The In­ ternational Hebrew Chris­ tian Alliance have had the privilege of giving succor to thousands of these victims of Nazi cruelty. We maintain

other forms of assistance to many of these refugees who have fled to Palestine; to others who are in intern­ ment camps in Canada; also to some urgent cases of need in South American countries and the Un i t e d S t a t e s . Through material a id we' have the blessed opportunity of preaching the Gospel aind giving spiritual aid to the sorrowing and afflicted.

APPEAL TO CHRISTIANS Dear Christian reader: Please do not permit any of our efforts to diminish because of lack of financial support. Consider the agony these refugees have endured—some of them very old and some very young—the urgency of their need. They have no other refuge to which they could flee. If we were to fail them, then their last hope would be gone. Please send your gift to our General Secretary. The International Hebrew Christian Alliance The Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., General Secretary Dept. KB-112, 4919 North Albany Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Canadian Office: 91 Bellevue Ave., Toronto, Ont.

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