2019-2020 Let's Talk Trash News


Let’s Talk Trash! SEPT / OCT 2019

©2019 The Keenan Group, Inc

Stories of adventure for all ages

People who collect comic books are known as

pannapictagraphist. Every year on September 25, comic book readers, collectors, lovers, and fans participate in National Comic Book Day. First popularized in the United States, comic books are also called comic magazines. Published in the form of sequential, juxtaposed panels that represent individual scenes, comic books often include descriptive prose and written narratives. From the earliest comic strips that later gave birth to comic books, dialogue displayed in bubbles or balloons above characters’ heads . In 1933, a comic book, Famous Funnies , appeared in the United States and is believed

Ages 6-8 by Barb Rosenstock (Goodreads Author) , Mordicai Gerstein ( I l lustrator) Caldecott medal ist Mordicai Gerstein captures the majest ic redwoods of Yosemi te in this l i tt le-known but important story from our nat ion' s history. In 1903, President Theodore Roosevel t joined natural ist John Mui r on a tr ip to Yosemi te. Camping by themselves in the uncharted woods, the two men saw sights and held discussions that would ul t imately lead to the establ ishment of our Nat ional Parks.

Ages 2-5 by Michael Rosen, Helen Oxenbury Come along on a bear hunt in this award-winning classic from Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury. We’ re going on a bear hunt . We’ re going to catch a big one. . Wi l l you come too? For more than twenty--ve years readers have been swishy swashing and splash sploshing through this award-winning favor i te. Join in the fun!

Ages 8-12 by Wi lson Rawls

A loving threesome, they ranged the dark hi l ls and r iver bottoms of Cherokee country. Old Dan had the brawn. Li tt le Ann had the brains, and Bi l ly had the wi l l to make them into the nest hunt ing team in the val ley. Glory and victory were coming to them, but sadness wai ted too. Where the Red Fern Grows is an exci t ing tale of love and adventure you' l l never forget .

Ages 12+ by Jordan Romero, Linda LeBlanc

Jordan Romero cl imbed Mount Everest at age thi rteen—and he didn’ t stop there. In this inspi r ing young adul t memoi r , he tel ls how he achieved such great heights. On May 22, 2010, at the age of thi rteen, Amer ican teenager Jordan Romero became the youngest person to cl imb to the summi t of Mount Everest . At fteen, he became the youngest person to reach the summi ts of the tal lest mountains on each of the seven cont inents. In this energizing memoi r for young adul ts, Jordan, now seventeen, recounts his exper ience, which started as a spark of an idea at the age of nine and, many years of training and hard work later , turned into a dream come true.

Reviews sourced from www.goodreads .com

juxtapose : to place (different things) side by side (as to compare them or contrast them or to create an interesting effect) Vocabulary word

to be the first real comic book. It was a reprinting of earlier newspaper comic strips which established many of the story-telling devices used in comics. The term “comic book” comes from the first book sold as a book reprinted of humor comic strips. https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-comic- book-day-september-25-2/

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