2019-2020 Let's Talk Trash News


Let’s Talk Trash! SEPT / OCT 2019

©2019 The Keenan Group, Inc

Iris Tennes ee Cheatham

April 2020


Let’s Talk Trash!

Photos from the April 2014 Museum of Litter

BE READY TO CREATE YOUR MUSEUM QUALITY IRIS TENNESSEE CHEATHAM SCULPTURE... Glue, nail, or wrap your “litter” items onto the structure. Think of texture when you are planning your masterpiece. You can build all around your structure to create a 3-D effect! The sky is the limit! Once your sculpture is transformed with litter, you can paint, shellac or cover in any form to colorize it. Be safe, have fun and let’s see some gorgeous Iris Tennessee Masterpieces!!!! In addition to being part of a public auction to help raise money for your school, there will also be Award Certificates f or the following categories:

What will start out with sixteen (16) 5 foot x 3 foot iris shaped wooden structures for each school will be built by the tech ed class at Sycamore High School under the teacher direction of John Staggs. They will be turned into a spectacular Museum of Litter public exhibition and live auction in April that will raise thousands of dollars shared by all schools and participating educational organizations in Cheatham County. Estimated delivery to your school will be mid December complete with instructions. The November/December issue of Let’s Talk Trash News will have full instructions and details as well.

4 Best of Show

4 Most Beautiful 4 Most Creative 4 Best Use of Litter

4 Most Colorful 4 All entries will receive an Honorable Mention!

Who is?

It is well known in Cheatham County, Tennessee, that A. O. Smith purchased State Industries (State Stove) which was one of the largest water heater manufacturing companies in the US. Did you know that A.O. Smith is more than a water heater manufacturing company? A. O. Smith has been in operation for over 140 years having started in 1874 by Charles Jeremiah Smith. He made hardware parts for baby carriages and bicycles, and so much more!

Remember the original founder of A.O. Smith that was featured in last year’s Sept issue of Let’s Talk Trash news, Charles Jeremiah Smith? He was a skilled tradesman! “At 16 years of age, Smith became an indentured apprentice to Maudslay Sons and Field of London where his five year apprenticeship exposed him to some of the most advanced marine machine manufacturing thinking of the time.

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