Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan


Accomplishments from 2011 Plan: • Mantlebrook Park Loop Trail • Roy Orr Trail Extension • Desoto Ranch Nature Trail • Roy Orr Trail Mile Markers • Meadowcreek Park Master Plan • Meadowcreek Park Field Conversions • Park Signage Improvements • Multi-Generational Facility Feasibility Study

The Parks and Recreation Plan serves as guide throughout the next decade in improving the City’s parks program while also allowing room for updates in the process. The strategies provided combine not only current and future plans but also the past as well in order to create a well-rounded vision. Plan Updates Although the Parks and Recreation Master Plan was created with a vision 10 to 15 years into the future, accomplishments and improvements within the system, as well as other factors such as evolving parks and recreation trends, can necessitate updating Plan priorities or revision to Plan goals, policies, and/or actions. In order to remain eligible for project priority in local park grant funding through TPWD as of the last Guidelines publication in 2011, the Plan must be updated every five years and must contain certain components. TPWD states that a completely new plan is required every 10 years for eligibility. The Master Plan Guidelines state that “Priorities should be updated as high priority items are accomplished and lower priorities move up. An updated inventory [is also] required.” A Plan update can take many forms, and it is recommended that the Plan be infor - mally evaluated periodically, regardless of formal updates every five years, to en - sure the Plan stays relevant and useful to the City. Key benchmarking and reporting measures, including surveying the community, should be established and utilized to assist with periodic evaluation of the Plan.


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