General Ops Manual

MOLLY MAID General Operations Manual Copyright  2015, Molly Maid, Inc. Estimate Close to new recurring customer target is = 70% If either percentage differs substantially from the national averages, it could indicate that you are not operating at maximum efficiency. Possible reasons should be analyzed and appropriate changes made. 6.1.2 Service Estimate Sheet The Service Estimate Sheet is used to gather information shared between the customer and MOLLY MAID about the cleaning services during the In-Home Estimate. The Service Estimate Sheet can be generated directly from LMS or you can use the Service Estimate Sheet preprinted and supplied in the initial package. It is prepared in duplicate for multiple copies for the office and customer. The top sheet is given to the customer; the second sheet is the office copy. The office copies should be kept in alphabetical order or can be scanned and kept electronically. The Service Estimate Sheet contains the:  Customer’s contact information and address  Specific instructions for particular rooms or for the entire house are documented by listing the floor level and the room to be serviced.  Pets  Window of arrival  Day of service  Key received  Price and hour range for the initial cleaning  Flat rates for recurring service fee for two frequencies  Our guarantee 6.1.3 Estimate Pricing Worksheet The Estimate Pricing Worksheet is a guide to assist you with the pricing during the in home estimate. Your prices must be adjusted to your local conditions and economy. A price analysis must be done for all local competition in order to set your hourly price. The square footage base price does include the kitchen, as we assume that all homes will have at least one kitchen. You will customize the sheet, based on your local market, and the market research you have conducted in the Right Start process. The “Other” field is to reflect the unique features of each home that make cleaning more difficult. It includes such things as: density of furnishings, kinds of furnishings, disproportionate room sizes, condition of surfaces, customer requests beyond standard service, general care and condition of the home, presence of collectibles or antiques, environment (dust/mold), clutter, excessive pet hair, etc. One-time cleanings and initial cleans are priced by the hour. Once the home has been brought up to the home owner’s standard, ongoing cleanings are priced at a flat rate. Page 26 Proprietary and Confidential Information

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