March, 1933
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MARCH 17 "H e shall be holden with the cords o f his sin” (Prov. 5:22). Sin always has small beginnings. A friend of mine was standing one day at his window in the house where he had been brought up as a boy. He saw a great gust o f wind blow over one of the tall, stately trees. Surprised and distressed, he went out to look at the fallen giant. When he came to the broken trunk, he saw the secret of the fall. And he remembered that, when a boy, one day with an ax he had chopped away some of the bark o f that tree, then a young and slender stem. , Water had seeped in, a center of decay had begun, and it had gone on inside the trunk se cretly, while thè tree grew and spread its leaves. But the weakness was there, and the time o f testing brought it to light. — J. W ilbu r C h a p m a n . Search me, O Lord, And from the dross of sin, Refine as gold, And keep me pure within ; Search Thou my thoughts Whose springs Thine eyes can see ; From secret faults, O Saviour, Cleanse Thou me. MARCH 18 " I f children, then heirs” (Rom. 8:17). A lawful and beloved son shares his fa ther’s estate all the world over. He who belongs to God’s family may with safety leave the question of his future inheritance in the hands of a Parent who is too gen erous and too opulent to leave any child without a portion. But we are not reduced to such inferences, safe though they may be. For the sonship of the believer is one to which he attains through his union with Christ, the ideal and eternal Son. “Joint- heirs with Christ” 1 For plain people, full of faults, to be gravely assured that their destiny is to be associated, within a year or two, with the present condition o f the eter nal Son of God, is a prospect the unearthly brilliance of which might well ravish any of us.—J. O sw ald D y k e s . ’ - MARCH 19 “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). To pray always is to pray daily. Prayer is an everyday work. We show not our selves Christians if we do not open our eyes with prayer when we rise, and shut them with the same when we lie down. This answers to the morning and evening sacrifice in the law ; which was so com manded as to leave room for those other free-will offerings which their zeal might prompt them to. When our Lord taught His disciples to pray, He bade them not ask bread for a week, no, nor for the mor row, but for the day; which also was sure ly the reason why God gave the manna in such a portion, as should be a sufficient al lowance only for a day, that so they might be kept in a daily dependence upon God, and look up to Him daily, who carried the key o f their pantry for them. His com passions are new every morning.............. Let your requests be made known with thanksgiving .— W il l ia m G u r n a ll . — G race J. F ra n ce s .
MARCH 20 "The Lord is faithful who shall stablish you” (2 Thess. 3:3). “The Lord is faithful.” It is good, be fore we consider what the Lord will do, to remember what the Lord is. God’s prom ises are very precious, but oh, how precious is the Promiser! . . . Do you not find in your experience that when you want more faith, it is better to be occupied with the faithful One than it is to look into your own heart and say, “ Lord, increase my faith” ? I find it so. “ The Lord is faith ful.” What is the promise? It is the prom ise of establishing. “ The Lord shall estab lish yo‘u.” What does that imply? That the Rock has been found. . . We must let the full weight of our soul right down upon the Rock. You can rest the whole of your need upon Him. “The Lord settle you.” It implies that the tree has been planted into the ground. But after the tree is planted, it needs to be rooted. So it is with the soul planted into Christ. H E —E v a n H . H o p k in s , MARCH 21 "H e is faithful that promised” (Heb. 10:23). God may delay to come in the guise of His providence. There was delay ere Sen nacherib’s host lay like withered leaves around the Holy City. There was delay ere Jesus came walking on the sea in the early dawn, or hastened to raise Lazarus. There was delay ere the angel sped to Peter’s side on the night before his ex pected martyrdom. He stays long enough to test the patience of faith, but not a moment behind the extreme hour o f need. “ The vision is yet for ah appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and shall not lie; though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come ; it will not tarry.” —F. B. M eyer . We know that Thou dost always wisely guide, And Thou hast said that Thou wilt not forsake, When in the shadows dark Thy children walk : O Father, from our heavy bosoms take Thé doubts that we’ve allowed to enter there ; It must be, Lord, that just ahead we’ll see The sun is brightly shining, shadows gone, If we will keep secure our faith in Thee. — A gnes W h ipple R idenour . MARCH 22 "Can two walk together except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). God calls us to walk with Him, and in ever progressing familiarity : “We beseech you brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received o f us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more” (1 Thess. 4:1 ). Agreement is essential for compan ionship in walk ; and agreement in this case can only mean our agreement with His terms, our acceptance of His conditions. He can never vary them for our inferior thoughts and wishes. Therefore, in order to walk with Him, His choice must become
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