Computing Year 5 will continue to develop their algorithm knowledge through using Purple Mash Coding and then onto Scratch, where they will be designing and creating their very own game. The children will be developing their computing vocabulary and using it accurately in context. Religious Education Year 5 will continue to explore the religion of Christianity and the question ͚Whaƚ ǁŽƵld JeƐƵƐ dŽ͍͛ This unit links to how Christian teachings about peace and forgiveness would help people in the world today. The unit includes exploring different stories in the Bible and what lessons do they teach Christians? Children explore ways in which Christians ƚƌLJ ƚŽ ƵƐe JeƐƵƐ͛ ǁŽƌdƐ aƐ ƚheiƌ fŽƵndaƚiŽn fŽƌ liǀing using prayer, justice and turning enemies into friends. We will be exploring how this is achieved in the world today. exploring the functions of different parts and how they link to reproduction. The children will also learn about the changes in the human body, in particular, puberty, which involves a class discussion with class teachers and school nurses. Science In the Space topic, children will be exploring how the solar system is made up by naming the different planets and the order they are in from the Sun. Additionally, there is a focus on the phases of the moon. The children will be able to label the different phases and explain what happens at each phase. They will also discover how day and night is formed and why we have different seasons. This will be explained through practical equipment and with help from the National Space Centre. In the Life cycles unit, they will be comparing a range of life cycles and identifying similarities and differences. They will be using classification keys and developing their previous knowledge of plants by Reading will be promoted through daily Guided reading and story time sessions as well as a weekly reading comprehension. English We will start the term focusing on a Newspaper report, which will be linked to our trip to the National Space Centre. We will be looking at reported speech. We will then move onto writing an advertisement and using persuasive language and superlatives. We will also focus on a range of sentence types such as: 2 pairs, subordinate clauses, relative clauses and figurative language. Each English lesson will have a specific SPaG focus.
Our topic is Space (Spring 1) and The Tudors (Spring 2). Through these topics we will be linking our History, Geography, Art and Design and Design Technology. Our first educational visit will be to the National Space Centre in Leicester. This will give children the unique opportunity to see real Space artefacts and advanced technology as well as inspiring the children to think scientifically and develop their curiosity of the world around them. The life skill that we will be focusing on this term is cooking. There will be an opportunity for children to design and create their own Tudor banquet. The soft skills that we will be developing are communication, teamwork, creativity and leadership skills. Our bucket list experiences for this term include a visit to the Space Centre and a Tudor themed trip ;TBCͿ. More information about these topics are shown in the specific subject areas. The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 5. 2019-20 - Spring term For specific class information see For dates see
Mathematics We will continue to develop our mastery approach to mathematics developing reasoning skills, problem solving and fluency. We will begin by looking at a range of multiplication and division methods before moving onto fractions. The fractions unit will include, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions as well as calculating fractions of amounts. This will then lead into looking at the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. Children need to continue to learn their times tables up to 12 and we will continue to focus on a mathematical concept each week in arithmetic to consolidate their understanding. French This term the children will begin by learning the names of the planets and writing descriptive sentences about each planet. To deepen their knowledge, they will then discover the meaning of adjectival agreement and understand how an adjective changes depending on whether the noun is masculine, feminine, singular or plural. They will then continue to practise this skill when discussing and describing clothing. French will be taught through a range of ways including speaking and listening, translating and writing activities. Music This term we will be listening and appraising music from the Old School Hip Hop genre. Our learning will be focused around the song: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. This unit promotes the opportunity for children who play an instrument to bring it in! Others can continue to develop the use of the glockenspiel, playing multiple notes and following sheet music. P.E In Tennis (Spring 1), Children will continue to develop their agility, balance and co-ordination skills in game play. They will develop the under arm serve to over arm as well as changing between forehand and backhand and building up to a co- operative rally with appropriate control. In Dance (Spring 2), Children will be continuing the theme of our topic- The Tudors. They will be performing and creating sequences as groups before coming together to create a whole class dance. They will be learning and experimenting how to convey emotion through dance.
History Through the topic of space children will look at Ɛignificanƚ indiǀidƵal͛Ɛ ƚhaƚ haǀe had an imƉacƚ Žn our understanding of space while having a brief look at the history of technological advances. In our second topic, we will be looking at a significant period of British history, the Tudor period, and the impact that it has had on British life today. We will be looking at the churches, a selection of significant monarchs and the culture from that time period. We will also explore the different viewpoints of society and how accounts can conflict each other. Art & Design This term children will be looking at the Abstract Expressionism movement of Art, more specifically the works of Jackson Pollock. They will be evaluating his Artwork using artistic vocabulary before cƌeaƚing ƚheiƌ Žǁn ͚JackƐŽn PŽllŽck͛ inspired work. They will be using his unique ƚechniƋƵe Žf ͚acƚiŽn Ɖainƚing͛ and chŽŽƐing ƚheiƌ own ƌeƐŽƵƌceƐ ƚŽ ͚ƐƉlaƚƚeƌ͛ and ͚dƌiƉ͛ Ɖainƚ fƌŽm͘ These techniques will be used to develop a deep- space effect in their final piece of Space inspired Art.
Design Technology Year 5 will be designing and making their own Tudor Houses. To begin they will be exploring how Tudor houses are designed and made as well as evaluating existing designs. Before making their final product, children will be experimenting and testing a range of joining techniques safely (using glue guns, staples, glues and tapes) and then designing their own prototype. They are now becoming more independent designers and will be able to select their own appropriate materials and equipment. and the time zones. Children will also look at physical and human features further developing their understanding using aerial photos of landmasses and examining how land has changed, as well as the development of maps. Geography Children will be solidifying their knowledge of locating the continents and countries, using an aƚlaƐ͛ and interactive resources, to find Space centres across the world. They will build upon their knowledge of areas of the world from Year 2 and 4, by looking at: the lines of latitude and longitude, the Equator, the Tropics, the North and South Pole
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