
From Dry Skin to Soft, Hydrated Skin That’s What Renew Did for Me ࠭ছᐉ૫ࡵၺต૫ ௓ဵᆸࡼ૚२୅ᑺ

૚२ྛጘள೹ ࠌ ዐ௅መာǖ • ᅲගࢯ๼܈ಿࡼᔀྥ ߅ ॑Ljᆐ૫२ᄋ৙ ޠ ቉ྥᐍ቉ፄ • ဧ፿35ቃဟઁLj૵ছᐉ૫२୓ૂআྥઘĂྒྷตᎧྥᐍ • ૚२ྛጘளᑺဣ܈ບ२పጛညᅎୀࡼ࢒ጙອ๞ৎᎌ቉ᔀྥছᐉ૫२ Clinical research shows that Renew: • Provides the right moisturizing ingredients at the right amount for lasting dry-skin relief • Leaves even severely dry skin softer, smoother, and better hydrated in just 24 hours • Performs better than #1 dermatologist-recommended lotion in moisturizing dry skin

moisture barrier

glycerin ᄖ཭জᎉ


“When winter approaches, it takes a toll on my skin. The long uncomfortable days of dry feeling on my skin. The dry skin sensation that prolongs even after bath. Ever since I switched to Renew , I noticed my skin does not feel dry. What surprised me is that, the softness lasts until the next morning! It’s like turning a desert into an oasis! I even measured my skin dryness to compare! You have to try it to believe it!” Ms. Lai, from Shilin (Taiwan) ĐࣂᄖጙࡵLjᆸࡼ૫२્ᒀࡸă ޠ ဟମᇄ܈ซ၊ࡼছᐉঢLjᇸᅲᐂઁLj૫२ৎଝซ၊ăࡩᆸক፿૚२ྛ ጘઁLj૫२ছྼঢି࿩೫ă඗ሯࡵLj৆ᄖታ౶ઁLjྒྷตથถ ߒ ኚLjཱུ࿃෨ጐถ ܤ ൊᒴăิ၂ਭ௓્ࣄƽđ ౷ቃ஋Ljგᅭိ೶



ਜ਼ছᐉ૫२ႁᏳ୅Lj࠭ᇸᐂఎဪ ᓜᆐছᐉ૫२ऎ࿸ଐă਺ၾ቉ᔀྥᇢ၃పଆLjᇸᐂᄴဟཱུ૫२ۣഔৎ ࣶၺ॑Ljᄋ৙ૺဟၔદLjᇸઁ ݙ ્ঢࡵছྼăᦁᎻઁဧ፿૚२ྛጘLjᆒ ߒ ཝᄖ઀ྒྷตၺঢă powered by Renew’s moisturizing technology to help dry skin retain more moisture as you shower, while providing soothing relief without feeling dry. Used together with Renew Intensive Skin Therapy , it leaves behind a softer, more hydrated feeling that lasts long after your shower. Saying goodbye to dry skin starts with your body wash Formulated specifically for dry skin sufferers, it is

Her 7-day testimonial ჉ࡼ8ᄖᑞဣঢ၊

Melaleuca found a way to combine key ingredients at the high levels needed for a truly therapeutic moisturizer. • Petrolatum creates a protective barrier • Glycerin moisturizes • Allantoin smooths skin and promotes healing ගಘଜᑊࡵ೫ጙৈ༄Ⴥᆚ୅ࡼऱါLj୓Ⴥኊ ߅ ॑ጲᅲග܈ಿࢯ๼Lj ᆐิᄋ৙ᇄᎧൕ܈ࡼᔀྥ቉ፄă • ᒂᒠறખᏴ૫२ተ ߅ ۣઐ ށ  • জᎉᄋ৙ᔀྥ • ฬฌႤྒྷต૫२Lj ࠳ ஠૫२ኀઐೆ

Skin’s hydration level before shower (from 30-60) ᆸඛ ࠨ ᇸᐂ༄ࡼ૫२ۣ ၺࣞ)41.71*

࢒ 3 ᄖ ৆ᄖᏳ ހ ۣၺঢ྆܈ᆚဧ፿༄ੑLj ႁී૚२ྛጘᑞࡼཝᄖ઀ ߒ ኚۣ ၺྥᐍă higher than before usage, which shows Renew’s ability to lock in moisture and last around the clock. DAY 2 When tested the following day, the hydration level was

࢒ 2 ᄖ ဧ፿ઁঢ௻੪ੑᇢ၃Lj૫२ೂ૾ၺตă DAY 1 It is fast-absorbing, keeping skin feeling soft and hydrated.




44 48 50

DAY 7 After using it for 7 days, skin’s hydration level improved, and the roughness gone. ࢒ 8ᄖ ߒ ኚဧ፿8ᄖઁLj ހ ၂૫ २ࡼۣၺࣞLjීመᏗ౶Ꮧ ੑLj ݸ࠰ ঢᏳጐ඗߲ሚă

Before ဧ፿༄

Purchase 40 Points and Save $6.50 ሿॅ൸51࢛ဏ $6.50 5HQHZ%RG\:DVK5HQHZ,QWHQVLYH6NLQ7KHUDS\ ૚२ᦁᎻྛ,૚२ྛጘ SKU1194 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : $52.00 SAVE 33% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : $34.80 (14pts)

After ဧ፿ઁ




Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $28.30 (10pts)

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