
Shizuoka Green Tea ஸদൊ ކ

Shizuoka Green Tea originates from a well-known green tea plantation in Kawane, Japan, and is particularly known for its quality and refreshing aroma. Kawane is located at the origin of Oigawa river in unique climate of less sunshine and frequent fog, giving the plucked tea a unique fragrance and flavor. ஸদൊ ކ Ꮞᔈ྇ ۾ ᒀ෗ࡼൊ ކ खᏎ࢐Ċ ࠂ োLjᎄ໚ጲ჈ࡼອᒠૺ༹ቤ ކ ሧऎᆫ෗ă ࠂ োᆡ ᎖\ ࡍ ழ ࠂ ^ࡼᏎഗ࢐LjᏴዴ਒ྒྷਜ਼Ꭷᇓ໮඲ർࡼࣖᄂ໮઀ᄟୈሆLjჅᐢ ݧ ሆ౶ࡼ ކ ጔLjৎ ဵࣖ௥༹ሧ ކ Ꮹă

4228 | Shizuoka Green Tea ஸদൊ ކ Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : $31.00 SAVE 33% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : $20.80 (5pts)

Come in and discover the intoxicating flavors and prized health benefits that only world-class tea can offer. ઢ፩ิອ ޞ IjeefoHbsefoီஏ଀றኡ ކ LjყჃഎཽჿᔡ ࡼ ކ ሧăඛۭ ކ ࣒ ߠ ൸ᓹஞᎌီஏ଀றኡ ކ Ⴥถᄋ৙ࡼ ୉ఙፄ ࠀ ă YOUR CUP OF TEA ᠪፙጙాজࠖ ކ ሧ

For peak flavor, place one tea bag into a cup, add 240mL hot water (90°C) and infuse for 2-3 minutes. May adjust infuse time or amount of hot water to fit your desired taste. ሯገཱུ ކ ጔࡼॕ঍ ࠨށ ज़ᆜᅲཝျहLj୓ጙৈ ކ ۞हྜྷۭᒦLjଝྜྷ351nmࡼེၺ (90°C) Lj໙๵3.4ॊ ᒩăభো௣ৈཽాᆜᇶੑࢯᑳ໙๵ဟମ૞ེၺ॑೟ă TEA BAG SERVING INSTRUCTION ໙๵ ކ ۞ᒎฉ

றኡᇀച ކ ဵᒬᒈ᎖਱ ڰ 2311.2711৛ ߛ ࡼ ڄ ಱ࿍࿟ăࡻᄖࣖ੿ࡼ໮઀ᄟୈሆLjᏴᅉིाᆼᎧজᄚ࿍ ཛྷၺࡼਐচሆLjି࿩೫ ކ ጔᏇᎌࡼౄྼLjᏪᎹ߲኿ሎตऎጔाႂࡼ ކ ጔă ކ ცৎ ߆ ሚ஘લභൊࡼᬎ ᫾ྻLj ۋ Ⴒᓹᆨྥࡥዅࡼઔࣺሧ໮LjกૄজࡼᆘᏩLjᎌྙজᑙᎧॣನ ࡒۅ ᓹࡥࡥਫሧăᑚ౒ࣖ௥ᄂ ྻࡼ ڄ ಱ࿍ᇀച ކ Lj୓્൸ᔗᄴဟ઩ታฝࡼঢਉă This exquisite oolong blend is grown in Alishan, Taiwan, at elevations of 1200-1600 meters. Alishan’s distinctive climate, fertile soil, and use of mountain spring water for irrigation helps reduce the astringent character of the tea leaves, creating a leaf that is soft but thick for a golden honey-green infusion, a gentle and elegant floral aroma of flowers, and an aftertaste like sweet sugar cane and pineapple with a touch of fruit. The distinctive character of Alishan Oolong will fill and awaken your senses. Alishan Oolong Tea ڄ ಱ࿍ᇀച ކ

Super Value Promotion Save $5.00 ۾ Ꮬᄂૉဏ $5.00 Hidden Garden Alishan Oolong Tea + Shizuoka Green Tea IjeefoHbsefoறኡ ކ  ڄ ಱ࿍ᇀച ކ ,ஸদൊ ކ  SKU688 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : $62.00 SAVE 33% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : $41.60 (10pts)


4368 | Alishan Oolong Tea ڄ ಱ࿍ᇀച ކ Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : $31.00 SAVE 33% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : $20.80 (5pts)


Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $36.60 (8pts)



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