
Habits Impact Health

Noni is rich in more than 200 nutrients needed by the body, including: ํಸ঍਺311ᒬጲ࿟ཽᄏჅኊᒄ፦ዸ ߅ ॊLj۞౪ǖ Noni Fruit – Nature’s Solution to Modern Diet ํಸਫ .  ౶ᔈᔈ཭ஏࡼሚ ࡔ ፙအࡼஊ௼ऱ ښ


Experts all over the world agree that maintaining a balanced diet makes up for more than 80% of damage caused by changing lifestyle. Getting a balanced diet is difficult though, due to high crop rotations and excessive use of chemical and pesticides. ৉ஏᓜଜཱྀᄴᆒ ߒ ௿ੰፙအፐည૚ᇴਏখ ܤ Ⴥ ࡒ ౶ࡼঌෂ፬ሰᐴިਭ91&ăᎅ᎖ຫथࡼ แᔫᇕൔᔫਜ਼ਭࣞဧ፿છኧᎧแጇLjᐆ ߅ ᆒ ߒ ௿ੰࡼፙအ݀ ݙ ྏጵă

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9 More than 10 antioxidants 9 More than 20 amino acids, including 9 that are essential for body 9 A variety of alkaloids, polysaccharides and enzymes

9 21ࣶᒬఝድછᇕᒠ 9 31ࣶᒬ ڙ ૥ႭLj۞౪:ᒬཽᄏ ܘ ኊ ڙ ૥Ⴍ 9 ࣶᒬညᇕସĂࣶჱᄏૺ୵Ⴄ

We are what we eat ཽྙ໚အ

Besides the poor nutrition we obtain from modern diet, the lifestyle that we live in also puts a toll on our body. ሚ ࡔ ፙအ߹೫ᐆ ፦߅ ዸ ݙ ೜Ljሚ ࡔ ည૚ऱါጐ৊ᆸඣ࿽ᄏᐆ ߅ ࿛਴ă

Why Drink Noni Juice?


Activate the normal protein function Noni fruit is rich in pre-xeronine and prexeronase (enzyme) that is required to produce xeronine, to help replenish xeronine in our body (ie: intestine). It may encourage proper cell function and growth in the human body. Increase enzyme activity Our body relies on enzymes for various biochemical reactions necessary for healthy body. When enzyme activity is low and impaired, it affects the body to function normally. Enzyme is a type of protein, and xeronine in Noni is able to activate enzyme, so that they can function properly. Nutritional supplement • Noni contains various important and active compounds (xeronine, amino acids etc), to aid in metabolism of waste and toxins, and improve health and vitality.  • Contains essential amino acids, vitamins, mineral, botanicals and other nutrients to nourish and enhance physical health. • Functional and nutritional fruit juice that can be consumed daily. It speeds up recovery.

૚൥ࡨ ڹ ᒠࡼᑵ ޟ ৖ถ ํಸਫᒦ঍਺భጲည ߅ ྮൣุࡼᏇ೯)ྮൣุᏇૺྮൣ ุᓞછඔLj ۑ ᓐ ݗ ৊ྮൣุLjᆐ࿽ᄏ ࡒ ౶ည໮Ljᆒ ߒ ᑵ ޟ ࡼညಯ૦ถă

Top signs of toxicity build up in our body • Sugar cravings • Low or inconsistent energy • Bloating or gas • Caffeine addiction • Binge eating or drinking • Mood swings or anxiety • Difficulty concentrating • Fluid retention • Migraines or headaches

ᄏดࣔႤಝ૩ࡼී መᑯᑏ • ࣪ᄚအࡼమᆃ • ᄏೆࢅൢ • ᆞᑅ໮ • ఋ़ፐ࿟ṫ

ᄋ঱୵Ⴄ૚ቶ ᄏด኏ࣶညછᔫ፿ኍዶ౷୵Ⴄࡼॺᓐă୵Ⴄ৖ถ ݙ ೜ ဟLjభถ્፬ሰ࿽ᄏࡼᑵ ޟ ৖ถă୵Ⴄጐဵጙᒬࡨ ڹ ᒠăํಸਫ౶Ꮞࡼᑜਣྮํุభ૚છࡨ ڹ ᒠLj஠ऎ ۑ ᓐ ᄋဍ୵Ⴄࡼ૚ቶLjဧ࿽ᄏดࡼညછᔫ፿ถ৫ၿಽ஠ቲă

• ۩ፙ۩အ૞ፙௌ • ༽ኙ݆ࣅ૞ୡ൅ • ᓖፀೆᇄजૹᒦ • ᄏดၺᒭ • ມᄿᄼ૞ᄿᄼ

፦ዸ ߠݗ • ᄋ৙ࣶዹ༦ᒮገࡼᎌ቉ ߅ ॑)ྮൣุĂࣶჱᄏĂᜮᇭಢછ੝ ᇕĂ଄ႭĂባႭࢀ*Lj ۑ ᓐ ࡔ ቝᄏดृᇕĂࣔႤLjᎌᓐᐐ஠ ࿽ᄏ୉ఙ૚ೆă • ਺ᎌཽᄏ ܘ ኊ ڙ ૥ႭĂᆒညႤĂ౗ᇕᒠĂᒈᇕቶ ߅ ॊࢀॕ঍ ፦ዸႤLjᔀ ݗ ༓࿽Ljᐐ༓ᄏೆă • ۣ୉૦ถࡼ፦ዸਫᒃLjభඛ྇ፙ፿Ljጾᎌᓐ᎖ܿઁᒄ ݗ ዸă

Purchase 40 Points and Save $20.00 ሿॅ൸51࢛ဏ $20.00 Triplex Juice Twin Pack ํಸআ੝ਫᒃၷີᓤ SKU2369 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : $164.00 SAVE 33% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : $109.80 (30pts)



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $89.80 (21pts)



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