
New Year, New You! ཝቤࡼጙฤLjཝቤࡼิƽ The New Year stands before us like a fresh chapter in a book. How will the next chapter of your life read? Take the first step by reflecting on the changes you’d want to make. Then, set your goals and resolutions for the year. Remember, the power is in you to make sure that your next chapter is a fantastic one, by following through on those changes. So, let’s get started on those resolutions! ᐰቤࡼጙฤᆐᆸඣࡼཽညఎ໪ቤࡼຠᐺăิࡼཽညࡼሆ ጙৈຠᐺ્ྙੜǛनႈิᇧᆃᔪ߲ࡼখ ܤ Ljో߲࢒ጙ ݛ ă ୻ᓹLjᆐቤࡼጙฤ࿸ࢾ෹ ܪ ਜ਼ቤฤ௼ፇă༤଑LjิดᏴ ߒ ᎌࡼೆ೟ᅀਭ ߒ ኚଫ ߒ ࡼখ ܤ Ljጲཀྵۣิཽညࡼሆጙৈ ຠᐺဵற ݨ ĂऻदăፐࠥLjཱུᆸඣఎဪೂሆቤฤ௼ፇƽ ୉ఙᎧᄏถ܈໦ ࠃ ࿟ஜ࿽฻ᔄే૞ᅃຼิࡼৈཽ๴ ݛ ဟମ଑ഺৎᒮገăᑚ ፀᆜᓹጙည ၊ݙ ᄏᒮਜ਼ܿᄼᏖၦăዓ ޠ ၇ෘăି࿩ጛጇఎᑽăᄋဍᔈቧăሚ Ᏼ௓჎߲ᑵཀྵࡼ࢒ጙ ݛ LjᅀਭීᒝࡼፙအኡᐋĂ໪ࣅേࣅ૚ೆLj݀࣪ᔈ଄ࡼ খ ܤ ଱ঌ໦ᐊྀƽ • For healthy weight loss, try the Vitality Weight Loss Pack , which contains FiberWise ® Drink , GC Control™ Shakes and Access ® Fat Conversion Exercise Bars . • Getting active? ProFlex20 ® Shake helps you build muscle and absorb important nutrients, while Sustain ® Sport performance drink helps you to rehydrate, rebound, and recover. Health and fitness mean so much more than fitting into your skinny jeans or beating your personal running time. It means a life unfettered by weight and illness. Raising your life expectancy. Lowering medical expenses. Boosting your self-confidence. Start right by eating smart, getting active and staying accountable! TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH & FITNESS ᐾ఼ิࡼ୉ఙᎧᄏถ




“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” Travelling is food for soul, so stop making excuses to not travel. You deserve to see this great big world while you can. Get inspired, get motivated and get out there. Tick off at least one of your must-visit on your travel bucket list!

Many might feel overwhelmed and defeated around the idea of decluttering their homes. It doesn’t need to be that painful! Starting with specific goals will help you create a plan that will reduce frustration. Here are some tips: • Make a map of all the rooms and ‘clutter hot-spots’ you'd want to tackle. • Do one room or space at a time. • Use the Three-Box Method. Gather three boxes or storage bins, and label them as ‘Keep It’, ‘Bin It and ‘Store It’. For ‘Bin It’ items, consider recycling, selling or donating items which are still usable or in good condition. • Once you’ve sorted out the clutter, it’s time to give that space a good wipe down with MelaMagic ® Heavy Duty Cleaner or Sol-U-Mel ® 3-in-1 Cleaner. ࡌ ྸଜ௙భถཱུ௾ ݝࡍ ॊࡼཽঢࡵસ఺૞ ݙ ᒀჅ ࡅ ă ࡍ ྸ߹ᇄኊ กඐᄼౄƽጲ௥ᄏ෹ ܪ ఎဪ୓ᎌᓐิผ߲ଐચLjି࿩ิࡼౄฏăጲ ሆဵጙቋ්ᑈǖ • ᆐඛମळମผ߲ଐચᅄLj݀೰߲ิሯገᑳಯࡼĐᏺ൐ᒄ࢐đă • ጙ ࠨ ᑳಯጙৈळମ૞హମă • ݧ ፿ྯረऱါă၃ૹྯৈረᔇ૞߼ ࡀ ረLj୓჈ඣ ܪ ଑ĐۣഔđĂ Đࣀ໰đਜ਼Đ߼ ࡀ đăกቋܰ೰ᆐĐࣀ໰đࡼᇕອభᏳૄ၃Ăऎก ቋጞ཭భဧ፿૞ᅲੑᇄႼࡼᇕອభ෽བྷ၉൲૞௮ᐓă • ࡩิ༹ಯᏭ൐ઁLjጲ༓቉ᅺถ༹ஈଋ૞ྯ੝ጙབྷᇁଋ޵࢏༹ಯ ছுă

Most of us have a facial care regimen, but how many of us really take appropriate care of our skin? As the largest organ in our body, it protects us, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. So let's learn how to take good care of it.

Đီஏဵጙ ۾ ၗLjᆚᐒབྷുᎊࡼ ཽᒑࣗ೫ጙ጑ăđ ുᎊဵഉ૖ࡼறခ೘အLjፐࠥܰ Ᏻᑊ ݙ བྷുᎊࡼஐాăิᒋࡻᏴ ᎌညᒄฤབྷყჃᑚৈီஏă૝ࡻ ഉঢᎧ໪खLj፾তབྷყჃီஏă ࡵष໚ᒦጙৈิჅ೰߲ࡼ ܘ ࡵᒄ ਪƽ

• SPF daily! Protect your skin from the harsh sun rays with SunShades ® sunscreen. • Give your skin the TLC it needs with Renew ™ lotion, making it softer and restoring its moisture. • Pay extra attention to that delicate skin around your eyes with NEW Sei Bella Bright Eyes Multi-Benefit Eye Treatment. ࡍ ࣶၫࡼཽ࣒ᎌᔪ೓ ݝ ۣዸઐಯLj཭ऎLjᎌࣶ࿩ཽถ৊ᆸඣ૫२ᔢး ࡩࡼ੕ઐฒǛᔫᆐཽᄏᔢ ࡍ ࡼ໭ਉLj૫२ۣઐᆸඣ቏ᓐᄏᆨࢯஂLj݀ ཱུᆸඣ፱ᎌ߿௻Ljঢ၊ದᎧེăፐࠥLjᆸඣ ܘ ኍኧᇴྙੜ৊Ꭴ૫२ᔢ ੑࡼ੕ઐă • ඛ྇ᅇ෢ऴ࿉ၶƽިྥၺঢ࿽ᄏऴ࿉ྛۣઐ૫२඾၊༓ೲ  ᔃᅪሣࡼ༪਴ă • ૚२ྛጘ৊ิࡼ૫२ᔢଛࡼ੕ઐLjཱུ૫२ৎྒྷตLjૂআྥᐍă • ၺ . ۴ขೡ ݧ ࣶᏄኀઐዛୢถᇼቦ੕ઐዛᒲᇼต૫२ă


It’s never too late to start! Expand your knowledge or skillset this year. Always wanted to learn French? Do it. Want to learn the ukelele? Do it. Want to expand your culinary skills? Do it. Life is about experiences, and not only will these experiences enrich you but also help you make new friends. ᎌቦኧᇴ ߕ๚ݙ ƽஙฤ౶૩૵ᐐ ޠ ิࡼᒀဤ૞ଆถăิጙᒇ࣒ሯኧज ᎫǛก௓བྷᔪăሯኧለᆆጢ႐ሖ༭Ǜก௓བྷᔪăሯገᄋဍ຃᣽ଆถǛก ௓བྷᔪăညෘ ߠ ൸಼೗Ljᑚቋள಼ ݙ ஞถཱུิࡼည૚ৎ ߠ ဣLjऎ༦થ ถཱུิஉဤቤ຋ᎍă


You can’t really move forward in life if you are weighed down by debt. Consider building a Melaleuca business to help supplement your income. If you’re already building a Melaleuca business, move your business forward with our sales incentives! The residual income gained from a Melaleuca business will go a long way in paying down debt. Find out more at ۳ঌᓹጙ࿽ᐦᇗ୓፬ሰิ༄஠ࡼ ݛ ङăิభఠ൅ள፦ගಘଜူጓ ౶ॺᓐิࡼ၃ྜྷăྙਫิጯᏴள፦ගಘଜူጓLjก௓ጲඛᏜጓᇗ ࠳ ሾᅎࣅူጓ༄஠ƽิ࠭ගಘଜᓠནࡼ ߒ ኚ၃ྜྷ୓ᎌᓐิ ޡ થᐦ ᇗă༿ᦩಂnbmbztjb/nfmbmfvdb/dpn૝ᒀৎࣶă

• ሯገ୉ఙିᒮLjิభ ޞ ၂ညෘ૚ೆ୉ఙᄁᔝLj჈۞౪૚ೆ ۦ ሏፙອĂ ڔ ᄛ໅ ڔ Ⴄਜ਼૚ೆۖă • ሯገఎဪ૩૵ᏥࣅǛ૫ ݙ భပࡨ ڹ ፙ೯ᎌᓐ୐৩૫ྔਜ਼ᇢ၃ᒮገ፦ ዸLjऎ࢟ႥᏥࣅፙ೯ᎌᓐ ߠݗ ၺ॑ĂૂআறೆᎧᄋဍ ܭ ሚăā



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