
Low melting point Optimize your skin texture and clarity with a revolutionary low melting point foundation which melts into your skin at body temperature.

ࢅྍ࢛ ࠎ ቤࢅྍ࢛ॏ࢏ถး።૫२ᄏᆨLj খ࿖२ᒠᎧ༵ᅀঢă

Perfect adhesion to skin Ideal combination of moisture and essence allows the product to stay on like it is part of your own skin as soon as it is applied.

ᅲගॲᄣ ᅲග܈ಿࡼۣဘᎧறખ ߅ ॑Lj࿟ᓥဟLj ॏ࢏ၶৎ༫ਜ਼૫२ă

Better COVERAGE , Better INGREDIENTS, Better SKIN ৎଛࡼ ᑒᬘೆ ৎᎁᒠࡼ ઐ२ ߅ ॑ ৎᅲගࡼ ૫२

Light as a feather Natural moisturizing ingredients keep your skin feeling fresh and clean, so that it doesn’t feel heavy or sticky while still providing perfect coverage.

༵ྙႋ ᄖ཭ᔀྥ ߅ ཱུ॑૫२ঢ௻༹ቤĂၔၸLj ᄴဟ ࡌ ᐆᅲගᑒᬘLjᇄḆฟĂ੿ᒮঢă

Age-Defying Concealer Buildable coverage makes dark circles, sun spots, and blemishes practically vanish. Oil-free Age- Defying Concealer delivers peptides, antioxidants, proteins, and other powerful age-defying ingredients right to the delicate under-eye skin to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles where they are most likely to appear. ኀઐᑒሂ܊ భ୍୍ଝᒮࡼᑒሂ቉ਫཱུ੨ዛམĂཪ ہ ૺሂࠝၾମሿ ပăᇄᎉ๼ऱ਺ဒ᱐ĂఝድછႤĂ ړ ૥Ⴍૺ໚Ⴧఝ಑ ߅ ॑ࡼኀઐᑒሂ܊Ᏼኀြᇼᒘዛᒲ૫२ࡼᇼᆬᎧᒻᆬࡼ ᄴဟLjጐᔀዸ૫२ă

• Infused with age-defying peptides to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Free of oil, fragrance, and parabens • Soft brush applicator for flawless precision • Semi-matte finish • Medium, buildable coverage

dark ࿾२ྻ 9233

Achieve translucent and perfectly smooth porcelain skin with Moisture Cake Foundation . Comes with a triple function formula to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, whiten skin, and protect against harmful UV rays. Lightweight, and easy to use, all in a convenient compact case. ၺঢග૫ॏืၶ৊ิჿࠣ ۅ ࡼೡ ݧ ග૫ăஉ੝ఝᒻĂග ڹ ਜ਼ᔃᅪሣऴᎵྯ቉੝ጙ ๼ऱLj༵፫ᒠঢᎧ ܣ ಽቃ༝ਫ਼ᓤཱུิྀੜဟర ࡌ ᐆᅲගᇄᬘࡼྒྷઘᓥঢă

medium ༫२ྻ 9232

• ఝ಑ဒ᱐ᎌᓐି࿩ᇼᆬᎧᒻᆬ • ᇄᎉLj ݙ ਺ሧ೯ૺ࣪ᾡ૥ ۾ ଡႭ῝ • ྒྷྟࡧೆඇၮ௿Ꮲᑒሂ • ྒྷᇓ਒ঢᒠ࢐ • ᒦࢀLjభ୍୍ଝᒮࡼᑒሂ቉ਫ

Nature’s ingredients for healthy skin ᄖ཭ ߅ ཱུ॑ิ፱ᎌ୉ఙ૫२

light ༇२ྻ 9231

Sea Buckthorn / Moringa Seed Oil / Green Tea extract Precious extract from around the world to help soothe the skin and combat aging ࿃૶ਫ0౳෸ᔅᎉ0ൊ ᜵ކ ན ౶ᔈ৉࢐ࡼᑜਣ᜵ནLjၔદ૫२ૺ ۑ ᓐఝ಑

Soothing ၔદ

Spirulina / Mistletoe extract Strengthens the skin's barrier with nature's energy

Purchase 40 Points and Save $14.00 ሿॅ൸51࢛ဏ $14.00 Sei Bella ® Moisture Cake Foundation SPF 40 PA++ (any one) + Age-Defying Concealer (any one) ၺĄ۴ขၺঢග૫ॏืၶTQG51QB,, )ྀኡጙ* ,ኀઐᑒሂ܊ )ྀኡጙ* SKU6938 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : $114.00 SAVE 34% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : $74.90 (23pts)

Protection ऴઐ

൛ኟ᏿0ᮞ଎ည᜵ན ༓છ૫२ऴᎵೆࡼᔈ཭ถ೟

Chlorella / Cornus Fruit extract Helps to revitalize the skin, even out skin tone and improve skin brightness ቃཆ᏿0࿍᛹ᜯਫ᜵ན ۑ ᓐ૫२૚છLj௿Ꮲ२ྻLjᄋဍ૫२ීೡࣞ

Rejuvenation ૚છ



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $60.90 (17pts)



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