
Be a Lifetime VIP member to be eligible to purchase exclusive specials! ߅ ᆐᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્Ꮛࣖሱ৪൰றኡ ޘ ອࡼᓜၢᑓిƽ

Experience Melaleuca Star Products for

FREE with our

Product Bonus Program ޘ ອ੺ಽᔤྋ፩ܶಳଐચ

Lifetime Silver VIP ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ፖఌ્Ꮛ

Shop for 6 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 45 product points monthly (65 points monthly for Senior Directors and above). ೌኚ7ৈᏜLjඛᏜሿॅ࢛ၫ ࡉ 56࢛DŽᓾ࿾ᔐପጲ࿟76࢛Džă

ཱུิ ඾ॅ ᄏዩගಘଜቩ଀ ޘ ອ

Lifetime Gold VIP ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛ

Shop for 6 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Senior Directors and above). ೌኚ7ৈᏜLjඛᏜሿॅ࢛ၫ ࡉ 61࢛DŽᓾ࿾ᔐପጲ࿟81࢛Džă

Lifetime Platinum VIP ᔤྋᒨ ڹߋ ஘ఌ્Ꮛ

Shop for 30 consecutive months reaching a minimum of 50 product points monthly (70 points monthly for Senior Directors and above). ೌኚ41ৈᏜLjඛᏜሿॅ࢛ၫ ࡉ 61࢛DŽᓾ࿾ᔐପጲ࿟81࢛Džă

January 2018 2018 ฤ 1 Ꮬ

6 months Ꮬ

4 months Ꮬ

Lifetime VIP Specials

ᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્Ꮛᄂૉ

2 months Ꮬ

(Choice of FiberWise / FiberWise Sugar-free) )భኡ૚ೆ ۦ ሏፙອ૞૚ೆ ۦ ሏፙອᇄჱጙີ*

Limited to 2 sets per promotion for each Lifetime VIP member. ጲሆೝሲᄂૉ ޘ ອLjඛᆡᔤྋᒨ ߋ ્Ꮛॊܰሢ৪ೝᄁ

New Preferred Customers will be rewarded with free products after they fulfill their monthly product point commitment in Month 2, 4 and 6 of enrollment. ቤྜྷ્ගಘଜᎁૉ৻ఱᒑኊᏴྜྷ્ࡵ ࢒3Ă࢒5ਜ਼࢒7ৈᏜ Ljᅲ ߅ ࡩᏜሿॅ ࢛ၫ૾భ૝ࡻ ඾ॅ ޘ ອ ă

Terms and Conditions ᄟಿᎧਖᐌ

Other Program Rules ໚Ⴧᄟಿ

Sei Bella ® Timeless Age-Defying Serum + Night Firming Treatment ဟ਒ࣶेறખጘ,ஜᒘᅵၶ Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : $137.00 SAVE 34% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : $90.80 (29pts) SKU4704 Lifetime Silver VIP SAVINGS $13.70 ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $77.10 (22pts) SKU5143 Lifetime Gold VIP SAVINGS $18.20 ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $72.60 (21pts)

Sustain ™ Sports Lemon Blast Twin Pack ࢟ႥᏥࣅፙ೯ีඦాᆜၷਫ਼ᓤ Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : $52.00 SAVE 31% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : $36.00 (12pts) SKU4391 Lifetime Silver VIP SAVINGS $5.40 ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $30.60 (9pts) SKU7737 Lifetime Gold VIP SAVINGS $7.20 ADDITIONAL ऄᅪ ᑓి Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $28.80 (9pts)

• To be eligible for the FREE products, there should be no cancellation or change from a Preferred Customer to Direct Customer in the month/months prior ‡ 0RQWKO\SURGXFWSRLQWFRPPLWPHQWPXVWEHIXOÀOOHGZLWKQR%DFNXS2UGHU • No product point will be awarded for the FREE products • FREE products are not eligible for return or exchange for another product. The only exchange permitted is if the product is faulty • ጲ૝ᐓ඾ॅ ޘ ອLjᎁૉ৻ఱ ݙ భᏴࡩᏜ0༄ଂৈᏜดནሿক৻ఱᓾৃ૞࠭ᎁૉ৻ఱᓞ ધᆐ૥߻৻ఱă • ܘ ኍ९੝ඛᏜሿॅ࢛ၫLj ݙ భ ޘ ညᎾ۸ࢿ࡝ă • ඾ॅ ޘ ອ ݙ এ ޘ ອ࢛ၫă • ඾ॅ ޘ ອ ݙ భᅓ૞ધན໚Ⴧ ޘ ອăᎌᬘࠝࡼ ޘ ອ߹ᅪă

• Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) reserves the right to disqualify any participants that are deemed to have violated the Company’s policies & procedures. • If there are any discrepancies between the information provided in English and the translation of that information, the English version shall govern. Any such discrepancies are not binding and are of no legal effect. • Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) reserves the right to change the terms and FRQGLWLRQVZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFH'HFLVLRQVDUHÀQDODQGELQGLQJ • ྦူጓ ܭࡔ ᎖ࠥ૚ࣅᒦ߿ब೫ᄟਖLjගಘଜࣁฉ዇)ቤଝຸ*ᎌཚནሿ໚ ݬ Ꭷᓾৃă • ྙᒦ፞ ۈ ดྏᎌྀੜ ݙ ९Lj༿ጲ፞ᆪ ۈ ᆐᓰă • ගಘଜࣁฉ዇)ቤଝຸ*ۣഔᏴ ݙ ഍ቲᄰᒀሆLjৎখᄟୈᎧਖᐌࡼཚಽLj݀࣪ࠥ૚ࣅۣ ഔᔢᒫᒄ௼ࢾཚă

Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $68.10 (20pts)


Price ࠳ ሾଥ : $27.00 (8pts)



Lifetime PlatinumVIP SAVINGS


Lifetime PlatinumVIP SAVINGS





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