Ruling the World - Student Workbook


Tool Number 1: The Binder

Now let’s get the inside of your binder organized!

1. Subject dividers. Always keep papers, handouts and homework separated by class . Science handouts belong in the science section of your binder, math papers belong in the math section—you get it. Subject dividers are great, because they make it easy to keep materials separated by class. Plastic subject dividers are best because they won’t rip or tear, and fall out of your binder. 2. Plastic sheet protectors. Sheet protectors are cool because they preserve and protect all of your important class handouts. Always use sheet protectors to hold things like your class schedule, course syllabus, class rules and expectations, reading lists, supply lists, rubrics, grading policies and grade logs—stuff you have to keep in your binder to refer to during the school year. 3. Binder paper. Most middle schools require students to use wide-ruled binder paper . Any brand will do. (Some math teachers want students to use graph paper. Check with your math teacher about that.) 4. Two-pocket folder. A three hole-punched, 2-pocket folder is great for holding worksheets, handouts and homework—stuff you have to move in and out of your binder each day. Poly Pocket folders are made of a plastic-like material and are best because they won’t rip or tear and fall out of your binder.

What goes inside your

binder to make it Goof-Proof? Binder inserts (also called binder accessories) are an important part of the Goof-Proof Binder System. Whatever style of binder you choose to use, these inserts will help keep the inside of your binder organized!



The Middle School Student’s Guide to Ruling the World!

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