Ruling the World - Student Workbook


Tool Number 1: The Binder

BuST ThaT CluTTeR!  Binders that are stuffed with old papers and handouts won’t be Goof-Proof for long, so bust that clutter! Toss out papers you don’t need. Store graded papers, notes and old handouts at home. CAUTION!

YOuR BaCKPaCK IS NOT YOuR BINDeR!  Papers belong in your binder, never shoved loose into your backpack! With the Goof-Proof Binder System, it takes only a few seconds to file papers in the right place. If you don’t have time to file papers in class, keep an extra 2-pocket folder in your backpack. Use it to temporarily hold papers and handouts until you have time to file them in your binder. PRODUCT PREVIEW CAUTION!

DITTO FOR YOuR lOCKeR!  Papers that are tossed into your locker will end up


lost or squished at the bottom, along with last week’s moldy cheese sandwich. If you can’t resist tossing papers into your locker, buy a magnetic filing pocket (available at office supply stores). Place it on the inside of your locker door. Use it to temporarily hold papers and handouts until you have the time to file them in your binder.


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