New Frontier Immigration Law - December 2020

We Want to Hear Your Story Exactly as It Should Be Told

One of the most gut-wrenching challenges that nearly all immigrants face is the fear of not being able to communicate. When you come to the U.S. from another country, never having spoken anything but your native language, figuring out how you’re going to make connections and get the help you need is daunting. Communication is everything to humans — without it, we can’t survive. That’s why we always make sure communication is the first thing our clients know they can count on when they come to New Frontier for help. Many of our clients are originally from Spanish-speaking countries, but no matter where you come from or what language you speak, we’ll find a way to make sure your voice is heard. We have members on our staff who speak Spanish, English, and Punjabi, as well as connections outside our office with those who speak even more languages. There’s nothing more powerful than representing yourself through your own words. We can help you make your declaration and tell your story in the words most familiar to you so you can truly speak about those things that are most important to you.

We’ve had so many cases that were successful because our clients were able to communicate freely. We’re honored to be able to provide that sense of relief for you when we all sit down together for the first time and hear about your situation. We want to give you the freedom to speak to us exactly how you need to. Don’t be afraid to seek out help because of language barriers. We have never let them stop us before, and we don’t plan on letting them stop us now. We break down that barrier every day and connect with our clients in the ways most comfortable for them. The way you speak is representative of your culture and heritage — things we never want you to lose sight of. Working with New Frontier means working together to bridge the gaps between all the wonderful cultures that make up this country, not trying to minimize the culture you’ve always known. So, if you need our help, reach out to us and let us know. We’re here and ready to listen.

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