
member was already surrounded by a community of family and friends that could assist, but our REI group also showed up for him, willing to step in to ensure he received any assistance that we may be able to provide. Why would our relationship to this man, someone we had simply shared coffee while strategizing how to improve our REI methods, ever create a genuine and active response to the needs of his family in a time of duress? Some portion of that answer lies in the fact that humans inherently know that the wellbeing of others in our commu - nity is vital to our own prosperity. We cannot reach our full potential without purposefully adding to the prosperity of those we are connect - ed to. Our team at Symphony Capital Group has taken this belief to heart, and we believe that the success of the residents in our rental com -

munities is a part of the formula that we need to nurture to ensure the success of our investors and ourselves. Pushing past the barrier of being owners with tenants in our properties, and instead seeing our- selves as caretakers of communities that people rely on, create memo - ries within, and should be able to flourish in, is what has motivated us to keep the human connection in our investments at the top of our priorities. We have chosen to work with Apartment Life in our upcom - ing projects, to better emphasize these ideals on our properties. Apartment Life is a faith- based, nonprofit organization that is motivated by the belief that every individual is created for community. The organization assists communi - ties in looking out for the welfare of everyone, which in turn has proven to benefit the community owners in their objectives as well.

I am proud to be working in an industry where we can simulta - neously focus on doing well for ourselves, by doing good for oth - ers. It seems the more we focus on others, the easier it becomes for our own objectives to be achieved. In the end, taking care of others may be what propels us towards our own success. I believe this is one of the elements that will drive all our communities towards a more pros - perous future, if we only continue to look out for one another. •

Ellis Hammond is the managing principal for SymphonyCapitalGroup. com, a San Diego based investment firm focused on helping private investors

build a more predictable wealth building strategy through apartment investing. He is a well sought out speaker on the topic of multifamily and faith-driven investing. He also hosts a weekly podcast show for Christian investors called Kingdom Capitalists.

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