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stated Simard. “I know their lives have been made worse by rising hydro prices, rising IZESPSBUFT BOESJTJOHUBYFT8FSFHPJOHUP fix the mess at Hydro One, and sustainably DVUSBUFTCZQFSDFOU8FSFHPJOHUPNBLF sure that anyone earning the minimum wage QBZTOPQSPWJODJBMJODPNFUBY8FSFHPJOHUP put more money in the pockets of low-income Ontarians, and help make sure their cheques HPGVSUIFS5IF8ZOOFHPWFSONFOUIBTGBJMFE low income Ontarians for the last decade. “The province and municipalities ought to cease funding and operating public housing QSPKFDUT uTUBUFE%POOFMMZi8FPVHIUUP liberate the private sector to compete in offering housing options in accordance to DVTUPNFSNBSLFUFYQFDUBUJPOT8FCFMJFWFJO the free market system over the communist market system.” County Road 17 8IBUIFMQXPVMEZPVSHPWFSONFOUQSPWJEF to getting upgrading work started on the County Road 17/Highway 174 link between Rockland and Orléans? i8JUIZFBSTJOHPWFSONFOU ,BUIMFFO 8ZOOFBOEUIF-JCFSBMTTUJMMIBWFOUHPUUIJT done,” stated Simard. “I know how important this project is, and I will work tirelessly to bring it to completion.” ø i8IJMF UIF DPTUT BTTPDJBUFE XJUI B

The June provincial election is about six weeks away and in Glengarry-Prescott- Russell there are at least three confir- med candidates vying to become the riding’s MPP on June 6. Local mayors posed questions on local issues. Liberal candidate Pierre Leroux, Liber- UBSJBODBOEJEBUF%BSDZ/FBM%POOFMMZ BOE Progressive Conservative candidate Amanda Simard each received email copies of the questions prior to the April 28 weekend. Here are the first set of responses from the candidates. Social housing 8IBUJTUIFWJFXPGZPVBOEZPVSQBSUZPO social housing improvement aid? i&WFSZPOFOFFET PSLOPXTTPNFPOF who needs, a helping hand sometimes,” stated Leroux. “Increased investments in social housing projects are only one part of the puzzle. Another part is making sure individuals have the necessary tools in order to help themselves, so they can eventually phase away from government assistance, allowing the next person in line the same opportunity for that helping hand.” “Help is coming for low-income Ontarians,”

La candidate du Parti conservateur Amanda Simard, le candidat libéral Pierre Leroux, et le candidat libertarien Darcy Neal Donnelly e présentent leurs points de vue et les philosophies de leur parti politique sur certaines questions clés, pour la région de Prescott-Russell, à l’approche des élections provinciales du 6 juin. —photo archives

highway 17/174 solution are considerable,” stated Leroux, “the economic impact of doing nothing, with thousands of homes planned for Clarence-Rockland, is unacceptable and needs to be rectified. One of my top priorities

will be fighting for a solution to this file.” “Simply have the private sector compete to bid on the acquisition, construction and NBJOUFOBODF PG B AGFFXBZ JOTUFBE PG B government-owned freeway,” stated Donnelly.




provincial rule that says it must. i8FSFBUUIFMBTUTUFQPGUIFQMBOOPXu TBJE$ISÊUJFOi4POPXXFSFHPJOHUPDIBM - lenge the ministry.” Provincial guidelines for ambulance dispatch state that the nearest available unit must answer a call. That has often left Prescott-Russell residents with only one or no local ambulance units available because of demands from Ottawa. Prescott-Russell can call on Ottawa ambulance units to res- pond to emergencies but, Chrétien noted, UIBUEPFTOUIBQQFOWFSZPGUFO “Last year we went to over 1000 calls,” he said. “They were over here about a hundred times, and they have five or six times more (ambulance) units than we have.” $ISÊUJFOTSFDPNNFOEBUJPOTUP6$13 council include demanding that the provincial place limits on the number of outside calls that a regional ambulance service must answer or allow discretion on which calls to answer. He hopes that this will force Ottawa to train more paramedics and field more units for its own ambulance service.

The director for Prescott-Russell’s emer- gency services thinks a legal challenge to the provincial government may be the only way to solve the growing crisis situation for the regional ambulance service. .JDIFM$ISÊUJFO  &NFSHFODZ4FSWJDFT Director for the United Counties of Prescott- Russell (UCPR), will present to counties Council, this week, a list of recommenda- tions for a legal challenge to the provincial government to review and revise its own policy dealing with ambulance dispatch pro- cedure. This is part of a six-step strategy that Chrétien outlined last year to UCPR Council, to deal with the problem of the City PG0UUBXBTIFBWZSFMJBODFPOiCPSSPXJOHu Prescott-Russell ambulance units to deal with its own emergency calls, and also an outstanding bill to the UCPR of more than $1 million for those ambulance calls, which Ottawa refuses to pay because there is no


CJHHFTUCFOFàUTPGGVMM4/$NFNCFSTIJQ XPVMECFBDDFTTUPUIFBHFODZTUSBJOFE planning service staff. “Our problem is we EPOUSFRVJSFGVMMUJNFQMBOOJOHTFSWJDF u she said. ,OVETFOIBTUSJFEUPàOEBQBSUUJNF planner for the township and combine that with an economic development offi- DFSQPTJUJPO#VUOPTVJUBCMFDBOEJEBUF was bilingual, and the township needs someone to deal with planning in French BOE&OHMJTI 'VMM4/$NFNCFSTIJQDPTUJTCBTFEPO

Champlain Township has an open invi- tation to become part of the South Nation Conservation Authority’s muni- cipal family. Some members of township council, however, wonder who would benefit most from the deal. Council members spent two sessions so far this year debating the benefits and drawbacks of Champlain Township becoming a full-fledged mem-

ber of the South /BUJPO $POTFS - vation Authority 4/$  4FWFSBM councillors want more detailed information first. i8IBUBSFUIFZ 4/$  HPJOH UP give us year after year?” asked Councillor Helen .BD-FPE i*N still not seeing what services XFE CF HFUUJOH for our dollar.”

local property assessment value. For 2018 the SBUFJT for every $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 worth of assessment. Champ l a i n T o w n s h i p could get a t h r e e - y e a r phase-in for membership XJUI BMM 4/$

Le canton de Champlain a été invité à faire partie des municipalités membres de la Conservation de la Nation Sud. Mais certains membres du conseil municipal se demandent qui tirerait le meilleur parti de l’affaire.

services available this year for a levy BEEJUJPOPG  JO  JO$PVODJMMPS/PSNBOE 3JPQFMCBMLFEBUiXBTUJOH BZFBSu GPS4/$QMBOOJOHTFSWJDFT Council has contracted with one local consultant on a temporary basis while administration prepares another tender call.

A three-square-kilometre portion of $IBNQMBJO 5PXOTIJQ JT QBSU PG 4/$T KVSJTEJDUJPOPWFSUIF4PVUI/BUJPO3JWFS XBUFSTIFE5IJTBMMPXT4/$UPFYUFOEJUT flood control and monitoring work. *OSFUVSOUIFUPXOTIJQHFUT4/$TFS - vices like septic sewage system inspec- UJPO1BVMB,OVETFO UPXOTIJQBENJOJTUSB - tor and treasurer, noted that one of the

Michel Chrétien, directeur des services d’urgence de Prescott-Russell, pense qu’il est temps de mettre au défi le gouvernement provincial, afin de résoudre la situation de pénurie des ambulances entre les Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell et la Ville d’Ottawa. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

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