Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201701

Avoid the pitfalls! PITFALL 1: Celebrating victory before you start. Basking in congratulations just for setting a worthy goal can actually shift you out of drive and into neutral. Ask for encouragement and support instead—and to save the back-patting for when you’ve actually made progress toward your goal. PITFALL 2: Not writing it down. There’s something about writing down your goal, your “why,” and your plan. It forces you to find a way to state everything clearly and succinctly. Once written, your “contract” is there, unchanged, every time you read it. No waffling. No excuses. PITFALL 3: Refusing to allow for changes. Life gets in the way all the time. It’s perfectly fine to reevaluate and replan at any step. Even if circumstances seem to be pushing you backward, remember that you’re only defeated when you stop trying. SIMPLE STEPS TO SUCCESS SMALL MEALS. Switch from three large meals a day to three small meals and two snacks. PEAK PERFORMANCE PACK Build the foundation of healthy weight management with superior daily nutrition For added protein, drink a ProFlex20 Shake within an hour after finishing your workout. ProFlex20 helps you feel satisfied longer, with protein to speed muscle recovery. FIBREWISE ™ Drink one serving of FibreWise before dinner. FibreWise can help you feel fuller, making it easier to limit your portion sizes. ACCESS® Exercise 45 minutes each day after eating an Access Bar or drinking
an Access Shake . Access helps your body turn fat into fuel, giving you more energy and endurance. powered by Oligo. ™ PROFLEX20®

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Know your numbers. Consider completing a self-assessment that includes your weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and waist measurement, plus other measurements you want to track. These measurements will provide a great baseline for measuring your progress in the coming weeks —a vital part of feeling like you’re succeeding. Get set right now. Do the research you need to make the right decisions down the road. As soon as you can, order the products you want to use, set up a gym membership if needed, and get your accountability partner on board and up to speed. Above all, write down your goals and your plan to achieve them. Once it’s time to get moving, having the preliminaries in place makes it much easier for you to stay on track and make consistent progress. Stay accountable. Great goals fail all the time simply because there was no accountability in place. What’s the best way to stay accountable? Find a reliable accountability partner. Whether it’s your spouse, your child, or a close friend, share your goal and your plans with them, and ask them to hold you accountable regularly for your activities. Better yet, invite them to join you !

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