Perez Halpern June 2018

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inside Meliha’s Summer Travel Guide PAGE 1 Unique Job Ideas for Teens PAGE 2 Success Story PAGE 2

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Summer Water Safety Tips PAGE 3

Coquito Cupcakes PAGE 3 Too Much Shade? Plant These Vegetables! PAGE 4

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Lay Some Shade on Me

There’s nothing quite like growing your own vegetables, but if your home doesn’t get the best sunlight, what can you do? It’s a problem many gardeners face. Even if you live in a sunny area, you may have a shady corner of the garden or side of the house going to waste. Fortunately, there are plenty of plants that do well in partial and full shade. As a general rule, leafy greens do better in shade and milder temperatures than other vegetables. Flowering plants and vines, such as cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes, need more hours of sunlight per day in order to thrive — about 6 hours or more. Herbs. While many herbs, such as basil, are better suited for sunnier conditions, there are a few that will do great in shade. These include chives, cilantro, golden marjoram, mint, oregano, and parsley. (Hours of sun per day: 3) Kale. Typically, kale does well in partial shade. When kale is grown in full shade, the leaves tend to be slightly smaller, but this can be offset by growing additional plants. (Hours of sun per day: 3–4)

with proper planning, you’ll still reap a plentiful harvest. Bush and dwarf varieties are recommended over their pole counterparts. (Hours of sun per day: 4–5) Potatoes. Root vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, and beets, will grow in partial shade, but they may take a few more weeks to mature, and they may produce fewer vegetables. However, as most gardeners agree, the results are still worth the effort. (Hours of sun per day: 4–5) Spinach. Like most leafy greens, spinach does very well in shade, particularly baby spinach. The plant will continue to produce leaves for an extended period of time if you regularly harvest the outer leaves. (Hours of sun per day: 3–4)

Peas. Like kale, when grown in shade, peas and beans won’t grow quite as full, and plants may take longer to mature, but

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