Mold Bases & Plates

Special Mold Bases & Plates


Quick Delivery Special Features



Special Mold Bases Shipping in FIVE Working Days

Includes all DME Standard Mold Bases #1, #2 and #3 steel ( 7 / 8 " to 5 7 / 8 " thick) and #7 steel ( 7 / 8 " to 2 7 / 8 " thick); and all “no charge” items, plus:

• Machine for and install guided ejection – 2 or 4 places • Machine for and install support pillars • Machine for and install additional stop pins • Machine press knock-out in bottom clamp plate (tap in ejector bar, if required) • Machine pry bar slots • Machine leader pin vent slots in rails

• Drill and tap safety strap holes (location ± 1 / 32 ") • Machine for and install extra assembly screws in top and/or bottom • Machine for and install extra assembly screws in ejector assembly • Machine for and install added return pins • Rough mill/bore cavity and core pocket; blind or through (NOTE: 1 / 2 " minimum radius required)



• Machine for spring holes • Drill and tap lifting holes


Special Mold Bases Shipping in SEVEN Working Days

Includes all features specified above in five working days, plus:


• Machine for DME three-piece extension bushings • Drill and tap horizontal water lines • Drill water pipe clearance holes

• Drill vertical water lines (excluding o-ring machining) • Machine for DME angle pin inserts • Finish mill/bore cavity and core pocket; blind or through (NOTE: 1 / 2 " minimum radius required)


Special Mold Bases Shipping in ELEVEN Working Days

Includes all features specified above in seven working days, plus:

• Machine for DME parting line interlocks • Provide special thickness plates (maximum plate thickness of 5 7 / 8 " in DME #1, #2 and #3 steels, and 2 7 / 8 " in DME #7 steel) • Provide special plate lengths and widths within DME standard size offerings

• Angle pin machining and clearance (maximum 4) • Ejector pin machining – maximum of

25 pins ( 3 / 16 " minimum diameter ejector pin; 2 7 / 8 " maximum plate thickness)

• Side interlock machining

U.S. 800-626-6653 ■ Canada 800-387-6600 ■ ■

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