Dianthus 2022 PPL-Solution No 2

LINER-BILITY ™ I N T R O D U C I N G 7 2 w e e k s f o r e c a s t e d ®


pp&l is proud to offer liner - bility ™ , O ne O F tH e M O S t A C C U rA te A V A ilA bility tO O lS O n tH e M A rK et , W H iC H M A K eS it eA S ier tH A n eV er tO C H eC K F U tU re P lA nt A V A ilA bilty with our live 72-week schedule. — updated every hour at ppandl.net, liner - bility ™ gives you fast and accurate updates on the availability of your favorite plant varieties. ppandl.com, liner - bility ® gives you fast and accurate updates on the availability of your favorite plant varieties. pp&l is proud to offer liner - bility ® , one of the most accurate availability tools on the market, which makes it easier than ever to check future plant availability with our live 72-week schedule. — updated every hour at

AN EVER-GROWING COLLECTION OF CAPTIVATING COLORS From pot type to perennial type, Pacific Plug & Liner has you covered when it comes to Dianthus.We list one of the widest assortments of varieties in the industry including: Ball Darwin, Concept Plants, Dümmen Orange, Greenfuse Botanicals, Selecta andWhetman Pinks. PP&L has the perfect climate to grow all of your Dianthus needs for both your Fall and Spring programs.All Dianthus are grown from cuttings, are offered in 162, 128 and 72 cell trays and have lead times between 10-14 weeks depending on tray size. Keep in mind this is the minimum lead time we need to grow product. It is best to order well in advance of these lead times so that we can secure cuttings to grow your order as availability for Dianthus can go quickly.

p o t d i a n t h u s






M agenta + R ed , M agenta +W hite E dge , P ink + R ed and V elvet + W hite

D ia D eur ™ | P atented

M edium /U pright M ounded


10-14 " x 10-12 "

E arly L ove ® | PP# 30,870

M edium / U pright

10-14 " x 8-12 "


C herry , C herry +V elvet , D ark R ed , P ink , P ink + P urple , P urple , P urple S tar , R ed S tar , S almon , V iolet +P ink and W hite A my , B ling B ling , C erise B ling B ling , N icky , O range B ling B ling , P ierrot , P ure , R ed ,T wiggy and Y ellow B ling B ling

M edium / U pright

12-14 " x 12 "


O dessa

O scar ® | P atented

C ompact / M ounded

8-10 " x 6-10 "


P alm P each | PP# 31,019

M edium / U pright

10-14 " x 8-12 "


P ink K isses ® | PP# 24,707

C ompact / U pright

12-16 " x 10-14 "


M edium / U pright

P urple W edding ™ | PP# 30,672

12-14 " x 10-12 "


L avender E ye , L ight P ink , O range , P urple , R ed + P ink , R ed + W hite , S carlet , S ilver P ink ,W hite and Y ellow A llura , A llura R ed , A mber , B owie , C harmy , C ody , C osmos , D ynamite , E sta , F aganza , F inesse , K aylee , L u - igi , M imi , P ink F aganza , R ed E sta , S ofia ,V ivre and V ulcano

S unflor | P atented

M edium / M ounded

4-8 " x 8-10 "


M edium /U pright M ounded

S uper T rouper ™| P atented

10-14 " x 10-12 "


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