Adult Course Guide 2024-25


Our one-year Access courses will give you the level 3 skills and qualifications you need to enrol on the degree course of your choice. We offer both in-person and online Access courses, preparing you for your university programme with the support of our dedicated and experienced Access to Higher Education teaching team. Want to study a degree-level course, but don’t yet have the right qualifications?

Meet Lucie Access to Higher Education Student “I could fit the course around what is already a very busy lifestyle with two children to look after, meaning I could work part-time and do the course two days a week, which was fantastic!”

Whatever your career and education ambitions, our friendly Access team can help you to make the right choices and enrol on the right course for your needs.

Click here for course info

Cover the cost of your Access course with an Advanced Learner Loan. If you use this course to progress to and complete a degree course, you will not have to pay back your loan. Click here for details


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