

Les maux du printemps Clarence-Rockland

What’s in that beef? Ottawa

notre possible pour y apporter des correc- tifs dans les meilleurs délais, » a déclaré Pierre Tessier, directeur général par inté- rim. Ce dernier ajoute que l’utilisation de la niveleuse sur les chemins détrempés ne peut qu’aggraver l’état de la route la plu- part du temps. Les équipes des Travaux publics sorti- ront la niveleuse dès que les chemins seront plus secs. « Nous sommes conscients que la pé- riodededégeloccasionnedesdésagréments à la population et nous remercions les ci- toyens pour leurs patiences et compréhensions, » a conclu M. Tessier.

Consumers should check the CFIA website for the complete list of suspect products before buying any ground beef. Store owners and those in the restaurant and food service sector should check their inventories. For more information, or to report a possible supply of suspect ground beef products, phone the CFIA toll-free at 1- 800-442-2342.

Les automobilistes qui empruntent les chemins de campagne de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland devront s’armer de patience en cette période de dégel printanier. La Cité de Clarence-Rockland rappelle à la population que l’arrivée du printemps peut occasionner des inconvénients. « Le dégel des derniers jours fait en sorte que certaines sections de nos routes rura- les sont plus boueuses ou cahoteuses, ce qui cause bien entendu des inconvénients aux automobilistes. Nous étudions la si- tuation quotidiennement et faisons tout en

Before ordering up a burger or going to the market for some ground beef for that firstbarbecue,itmightbewisetogoonline and check to make sure it is safe. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has issued a public warning about possible contaminated ground beef products that may still be either on the market or in restaurant inventories. The suspect ground beef may be infected with a strain of E. coli. There has already been one case of illness reported to the CFIA which may be linked to the suspect shipment of ground beef. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is also warning residents in the region to check before they buy any ground beef products. The CFIA has a complete list of all the ground beef products that went on the market across Canada between July 1, 2011 and Feb. 15, 2012 that may contain some of the tainted beef. That lists is available online at the CFIA's main website at under the Latest Recalls link. The agency is working with retailers, distributors and the company responsible for the suspect lot of ground beef to track all shipments and have them recalled. Food contaminated with E. coli may not look or smell spoiled. The symptoms of E. coli poisoning include severe stomach pain and bloody diarrhea. Some people affected may also suffer seizures or strokes. Treatmentinseverecasesmayrequireblood transfusion and kidney dialysis. The more serious cases may result in permanent kidney damage and/or death.

Signe du printemps

Photo CFIA This is a sample of the packaging for some of the suspect ground beef now under recall notice from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. For more examples go to the agency's website.

Photo Martin Brunette Plusieurs plantes et arbustes ont également été floués par Dame Nature la semaine dernière en raison de la température exceptionnellement plus élevée que la normale. Sur la photo, ce bourgeon devra, comme tout le monde, attendre le retour du temps chaud pour éclore complètement.

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