C Inside Cover — March 29 - April 11, 2013 — The Best of 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
D e b t P l a C e m e N t | I N v e S t m e N t S a l e S | e Q U I t Y P l a C e m e N t | a D v I S O R Y S e R v I C e S | l O a N S a l e S | l O a N S e R v I C I N g
Congra t u l a t i ons t o HFF New Jersey f or be i ng named Mi d-At l an t i c Rea l Es t a t e Journa l ’s “Best of 2012”
largest Industrial Property sale in 2012
largest Multi-housing Property sale in 2012
NoRthERN NEw JERsEy INdustRIAl PoRtfolIo Property Sale 2.6mm SF Nine-building Industrial Portfolio Northern NJ
Property Sale 704 Units mult-housing Community Plainsboro, NJ
Rankings from Mid Atlantic RE Journal survey.
Jose Cruz Sr. Managing Director
Andrew scandalios Sr. Managing Director (212) 632-1821 ascandalios@hfflp.com
Kevin o’hearn Managing Director (973) 549-2018 kohearn@hfflp.com
Jeffrey Julien Managing Director (212) 632-1820 jjulien@hfflp.com
Michael Nachamkin Managing Director (973) 549-2013 mnachamkin@hfflp.com
(973) 549-2011 jcruz@hfflp.com
H F F NEW J E RS E Y | 2 0 0 C a m p u s D r i v e , S u i t e 4 1 0 | F l o r h a m P a r k , N J 0 7 9 3 2 | t ( 9 7 3 ) 5 4 9 - 2 0 0 0
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