Did you know that over 80% of people across the world will suffer an episode of back pain at some point in their lifetime? If you are suffering from back pain or sciatica, you know how hindering it can be. With chronic back pain, radiating leg pain, or stinging sensations across the sciatic nerve, it can be difficult to live your life to the fullest. If you find yourself in pain when bending down, standing up, or lifting objects, it’s time to see a physical therapist.
Health & Fitness We help people in pain return to normal naturally.
Are you in pain and want to know how physical therapy can help? Our therapists are happy to provide a free screening of your condition. Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule!
Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain June 11 at 2:00 pm See Inside for Details! Upcoming Virtual WORKSHOP!
Did you know that over 80% of people across the world will suffer an episode of back pain at some point in their lifetime? If you are suffering from back pain or sciatica, you know how hindering it can be. With chronic back pain, radiating leg pain, or stinging sensations across the sciatic nerve, it can be difficult to live your life to the fullest. If you find yourself in pain when bending down, standing up, or lifting objects, it’s time to see a physical therapist. At Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are fully equipped to treat any back pain you may be experiencing. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out more about how our services can benefit you! It can be difficult sometimes to determine the differences between
general back pain and sciatica. Sciatica is a specific type of back pain that is caused by a compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. Your sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in your body – it is approximately 2 centimeters wide, extending all the way down your back, your buttocks, underneath the piriformismuscle, and to the backs of your legs and your feet. It is made up of several nerves that exit your lower back from the lumbar and sacral levels (L4-S3), transmitting sensation and muscle control. Common culprits of sciatica development include weakness in the gluteal muscles or tightness in the piriformis muscle, as they can compress and irritate the sciatic nerve.
(continued inside)
Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today!
(continued) COMMON SCIATICA SYMPTOMS: The sciatica symptoms reported from patients tend to vary. Some may experience a deep ache in the buttocks, while others experience a severe pain radiating down one of their legs. It is also possible to feel a tingling or numbness in the back of the leg, calf, or foot. If left too long without proper treatment, irritation can become more severe and affect the strength of your leg muscles. COMMON SCIATICA TREATMENT: The safest, easiest, and most effective mode of sciatica treatment is through physical therapy. Physical therapy examines the root cause of pressure on the nerve and works to quickly alleviate that pressure. Our licensed physical therapists will analyze the movements of the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve, in addition to the back and hip joints. They will design an individualized treatment plan based on the specific needs of each patient, in order to strengthen the affectedmuscles, improve joint flexibility, and prevent problems from occurring again in the future. TIPS FORSCIATICARELIEF: There are some tips you can follow to relieve your sciatica pain on your own. These can be done before coming in for treatments, or in tandem with your physical therapy treatments: • Performing gentle stretching exercises. • Avoiding prolonged sitting. Make sure to get up every 30 minutes and change positions frequently. utting a pillow behind your knees when sleeping on your back or b tween your kn es when sl eping on your side. sing your legs to ben down when picking up objects off the floor, rather t using your back. TIPS FORSCIATICARELIEF: There are some tips you can follow to relieve your sciatica pain on your own. These can be done before coming in for treatments, or in tandem with your physical therapy treatments: • Performing gentle stretching exercises. • Avoiding prolonged sitting. Make sure to get up every 30 minutes and change positions frequently. • Putting a pillow behind your knees when sleeping on your back or between your knees when sleeping on your side. • Using your legs to bend down when picking up objects off the floor, rather than using your back. COMMON SCIATICA TREATMENT: The safest, easiest, and most effective mode of sciatica treatment is through physical therapy. Physical therapy examines the root cause of pressure on the nerve and works to quickly alleviate that pressure. Our licensed physical therapists will analyze the movements of the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve, in addition to the back and hip joints. They will design an individualized treatment plan based on the specific needs of each patient, in order to strengthen the affectedmuscles, improve joint flexibility, and prevent problems from occurring again in the future. STRUGGLING WITH BACK PAIN OR SCIATICA? STAND TALLERWITH PHYSICAL THERAPY (continued) COMMON SCIATICA SYMPTOMS: The sciatica symptoms reported from patients tend to vary. Some may experience deep ache in th but ocks, while oth rs experience a sev re pain radiating own one of their legs. It is also possibl to f el a tingling or numbness in the back f t leg, calf, or fo t. If left too long without prope treatm nt, irritation can become more severe and affect the strength of you leg uscles. STRUGGLING WITH BACK PAIN OR SCIATICA? STAND TALLERWITH PHYSICAL THERAPY
Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today! Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 71 .634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today!
• Alternating ice and heat on the buttock to reduce inflammation. • Asking your doctor about coming to physical therapy, or giving us a call. HOW SUCCESSFUL IS PHYSICAL THERAPY FOR BACK PAIN? A study found in themedical journal SPINE proves both the physical andmonetary benefits to treating back pain and sciatica with physical therapy. It demonstrates that when doctors refer their patients for physical therapy treatments early on in the diagnosis, their patients have shown significant improvement and lowered treatment costs. In this study, patients saved an average of $2736.36 for their low back pain treatment simply by being referred to a physical therapist in the beginning. If you are suffering with back pain or sciatica, consult with your doctor about physical therapy treatments, or contact our office to learn more about how you could benefit. At Orthosports Physical Therapy, we aim for speedy and effective recoveries at low costs. Don’t live with back pain any longer – stand taller with physical therapy. Schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists today and get assistance in living amore physically active life! Give us a call today at our Amherst (716-839-3705) or Clarence (716-634-1578) locations.
Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this exercise to strengthen back muscles.
BIRD DOG 4-POINT ARM & LEG RAISE Begin by placing your knees and hands on the floor, with your hips and shoulders at a 90° angle. While keeping stable and engaging your coremuscles, lift one arm and an opposite leg straight out toward the horizon, with your thumb pointed to the ceiling. Place both arm and leg back down to starting position. Perform 10 repetitions and then repeat this exercise with the opposite arm and leg. To build stability, this exercise can first be performed using only the arm or leg, and the opposing arm or leg can be added once ready for progression.
Exercises copyright of
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Exercise &Mental Health Exerci ntal al Exercise &Mental Health ise &Me t l He lth
EXERCISE AND ADHD. Exercising regularly is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mood. Physical activity immediately boosts the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels—all of which affect focus and attention. EXERCISE AND PTSD & TRAUMA. Evidence suggests that by really focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise, you can actually help your nervous system become “unstuck” and begin to move out of the immobilization stress response that characterizes PTSD or trauma. Instead of thinking about other things, pay close attention to the physical sensations in your joints and muscles, even your insides as your body moves. Exercises that involve cross movement and that engage both arms and legs—such as walking (especially in sand), running, swimming, weight training, or dancing—are some of your best choices. EXERCISE AND PTSD & TRAUMA. Evidence suggests that by really focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise, you can actual y help your nervous system become “unstuck” and begin to move out of the immobilization stress response that characterizes PTSD or trauma. Instead of thinking about other things, pay close at ention to the physical sensations in your joints and muscles, even your insides as your body moves. Exercises that involve cros movement and that engage both ar s and legs—such as walking (especial y in sand), run ing, swim ing, weight training, or dancing—are so e of your best choices. EXERCISE AND PTSD & TRAUMA. Evidence sug est that by really focusing o your body and how it fe ls as you ex rcise, you can actu lly help your nervous y tem become “unstuck” and begin to m ve ut of he im obil zat on stres r spon e that char cterizes PTSD or traum . Instead of thinking about ther things, pay close attention o the p ysical sensations in your joints a d muscles, even your insides as your body moves. Exercises that involve cros movement and that engage both arms and legs—such as w lking (especially n sa d), run i g, swim ing, weight train g, or dancing—are some f your best choices. EXERCISE AND ADHD. Exercising regularly is one of the easiest and ost ef ective ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, otivation, e ory, and mo d. Physical activity im ediately boosts the brain’s dopa ine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels—all of which af ect focus and at ention. XERCISE AN A HD. Exercisin regularly is one of the a iest and most ffective ways to reduce the symptoms of A HD and improve o centration, mo vation, emory, and mood. Physic l activity immediately boos s the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels—all of w ich affect focus and a e tion. EXERCISE AND ADHD. Exercis ng regularly is one of the easiest and most ef ectiv ways to reduce th symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mo d. Physical activity im ediately bo st the brain’s dopamine, norepine hrine, and serot ni levels—a l of which af ect o us and attention. XERCISE AND PTSD & TRAUMA. Evidence suggests hat by really focusing on your body and how it feel as you exercise, you c n actually help your nervous system become “unstuck” and begin to move out of the immobil zation tress response hat charact rizes PTSD o trauma. Instead of th king abou other things, pay close a e tion to the physical ensatio s in your joints and muscl s, even your nside as your body moves. Exercises hat in olve cross mov me t and hat en age both arms and leg —such as walking ( specially in sand), ru ning, swimming, weight training, or da cing—are some f your best hoices.
EXERCISE AND DEPRESSION. Maintaining an exercise schedule can prevent you from relapsing. It promotes all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well- being. It also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good. Exercise can also serve as a distraction, allowing you to find some quiet time to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression. EXERCISE AND ANXIETY. Anything that gets you moving can help, but you’ll get a bigger benefit if you pay attention instead of zoning out. By adding this mindfulness element—really focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise—you’ll not only improve your physical condition faster, but you may also be able to interrupt the flow of constant worries running through your head. EXERCISE AND ANXIETY. Anything that gets you moving can help, but you’ll get a big er benefit if you pay at ention instead of zoning out. By ad ing this indfulnes ele ent—real y focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise—you’ll not only improve your physical condition faster, but you may also be able to inter upt the flow of constant worries running through your head. EXERCISE AND ANXIETY. Anythi g that gets you moving can help, but you’ll get a big er benefit if you pay attention instead of zoni g out. By ad ing this m ndful es el m nt—really focusing o your body and how it fe ls as you ex rcise—you’ll not only improve your physical condit on faster, but you may also be abl to interrupt he flow of consta t wor ies un i g through your head. EXERCISE AND DEPRE SION. Maintaining an exercise schedule can prevent you from relapsing. It promotes al kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced infla mation, and new activity pat erns that promote f lings of calm and wel - being. It also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you fe l good. Exercise can also serve as a distraction, al owing you to find some quiet time to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that fe d depres ion. XERCISE AND DEPRESSION. Ma taining an exerci e schedule can prevent you from relapsing. It pr motes all kinds of changes in the bra , includi g neural growth, reduced inflammation, a d new ac ivity patterns hat pr mot feelings of calm and well- being. It also rel as s endorphins, powerful chemicals in you brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good. Exercise c n al o s rve s a dis raction, allowing you to find some quiet time to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts hat feed d pression. XERCISE AND ANXIETY. Anything hat gets you moving can help, but you’ll get a bigg r benefit if you p y a e tio instead of zoning out. By adding this mindfulness el ment—really focusing on your body and how it feel as you exercise—you’ll n t only improve your physi al condition faster, but you m y also be able to interrupt the flow of cons ant worries ru ning through your head. EXERCISE AND EPRES ION. Maintain g an ex rcise schedule can prevent you fr m relapsing. It promotes all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflam ation, a d new activity patterns that promote fe lings of calm and well- being. It also rel ases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energiz your spir ts and make you fe l go d. Exercise can also serve as a distraction, allowing you to find some qui t time to break out of the cy le of negative thoughts t at fe d depres ion.
“Therapy means the world to me now.” PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT “ rap e t worl t me no . PA I S CC SS O I “Therapy means the world to me now.” PATIENT SU CE SPOTLIGHT Thera y means the world to me now.” TIENT SU E SP TLIGHT
“Thank you so much for your help with my ACL repair. Coming to therapy was never a chore for me because everyone was friendly. The first few weeks after surgery was difficult, but you made me believe that I would get better. I tried out for cheerleading, and I would not have made the team without your help! Therapy means the world to me now.” - M.C. “Thank you so much for your help with y ACL repair. Co ing to therapy was never a chore for me because everyone was friendly. The first few weeks after surgery was difficult, but you made me believe that I would get bet er. I tried out for cheerleading, and I would not have made the team without your help! Therapy means the world to me now.” - M.C. “Thank you so much for your help with my ACL repair. Coming o therapy was n ver a chore for m because veryone was friendly. The first fe weeks after su gery was difficult, but you made me b lieve hat I would g t b tter. I tried out for che rleading, and I would not have made h team without your help! Therapy means the world to me now.” - M.C. “Thank you s much for y ur help with my ACL repair. Coming to therapy was never a chore f r me because v ryone was friendly. The first few we ks after surgery was dif icult, but you made m believ that I would get bet er. I tried out for che rleading, a d I would not have made the team withou y r help! Therapy means the world to me now.” - M.C.
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Keeping Your Health In Mind! At Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are closely monitoring the rapidly changing conditions & government response to COVID-19. Our goal during this difficult time is to protect every person from the risk of infection who enters any of our offices while remaining true to our mission of improving and sustaining the well-being of our clients. It is very important to maximize your recovery and achieve your personal, recovery goals. We have developed a plan to identify potential hazards and reduce the chance of infection. We ask for your assistance in the following ways: • If you are sick and/or exhibit fever, cough, shortness of breath, please notify a member of our staff before entering the office (if possible). We may need to reschedule you. Call the office you normally attend. If you are unsure, please call us. We have developed a plan to identify potential hazards and reduce the chance of infection. We ask for your assistance in the following ways: • If you are sick and/or exhibit fever, cough, shortness of breath, please notify a member of our staff before entering the office (if possible). We may need to reschedule you. Call the office you normally attend. If you are unsure, please call us. • Our Senior friends should be extra cautious especially if you have significant health issues. Speak with your PCP if you are unsure about leaving your home for physical therapy, attending the gym/MOG or massage therapy. • Our Senior friends should be extra cautious especially if you have significant health issues. Speak with your PCP if you are unsure about leaving your home for physical therapy, attending the gym/MOG or massage therapy. • Please wash/disinfect your hands when you enter a facility. Please be sure you disinfect equipment before & after each use. We have viricide (Virus killer) & bactericide (Bacteria killer) spray. Spray bottles are readily available. • If you notice anything of concern related to cleanliness or risk of disease transmission, please notify the staff promptly. • Please wash/disinf c you hands when you ent r a facility. Please be sure you disinfect equipment before & after each use. We have viricide (Virus killer) & bactericide (Bacteria killer) spray. Spray bottles are readily available. • If you notice anything of concern related to cleanliness or risk of disease transmissio , please notify the staff promptly. • We have notified our staff n t to come in if they are ill or exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or flu like symptoms. This may change how we make appointments but may be necessary to protect everyone. Please be patient • We have notified our staff not to come in if they are ill or exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or flu like symptoms. This may change how we make appointments but may be necessary to protect everyone. Please be patient • We have notified our staff not to come in if they are ill or exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or flu like symptoms. This may change how we make appointments but may be necessary to protect everyone. Please be patient with us if changes are made in the schedule. • Call us if you must change your schedule. • We are ope for business unless there is an order to close. This is a time for vigilance in preventing the spread of the disease, but NOT a time for panic. We will make every effort to continu op r tions without nt rruption and minimal inconvenience. Thank you i advance f r your help & co eratio . With Confidence and Assurance, Donna Gulick , DPT & Peter Young, DPT with us if changes are made in the schedule. • Call us if you must change your schedule. • We are open for business unless there is an order to close. with us if changes are made in the schedule. • Call us if you must change your schedule. • We are open for business unless there is an order to close. This is a time for vigilance in preventing the spread of the disease, but NOT a time for panic. We will make every effort to continue operations without interruption and minimal inconvenience. Thank you in advance for your help & cooperation. With Confidence and Assurance, Donna Gulick , DPT & Peter Young, DPT This is a time for vigilance in preventing the spread of the disease, but NOT a time for panic. We will make every effort to continue operations without interruption and minimal inconvenience. Thank you in advance for your help & cooperation. With Confidence and Assurance, Donna Gulick , DPT & Peter Young, DPT • Our Senior friends should be extra cautious especially if you have significant health issues. Speak with your PCP if you are unsure about leaving your home for physical therapy, attending the gym/MOG or massage therapy. • Please wash/disinfect your hands when you enter a facility. Please be sure you disinfect equipment before & after each use. We have viricide (Virus killer) & bactericide (Bacteria killer) spray. Spray bottles are readily available. • If you notice anything of concern related to cleanliness or risk of disease transmission, please notify the staff promptly. UPCOMING VIRTUAL WORKSHOP! Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain Thursday, June 11 | 2:00 pm Reserve your spot! Call (716) 634-1578 or visit: orthosportspt.ptworkshops.com/OrthosportsPT-Williamsville/ virtualrotatorcuff/workshop UPCOMING VIRTUAL WORKSHOP! Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain Thursday, June 11 | 2:00 pm Reserve your spot! Call (716) 634-1578 or visit: orthosport pt.ptw rk hops.com/OrthosportsPT-Williamsville/ virtualr tatorcuff/w rkshop lt In ind! At Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are closely monitoring the rapidly cha ing conditions & gover t response to COVID-19. Our goal during this difficult time is to prote person from the risk of in ection who enters any of our offices w il ining true to our miss on of improving and sustaining the well-being of our clients. It is very important to maximize your recovery and achieve your personal, recovery goals. Ke ping Your ealth In Mind! At Orthosports Physical Therapy, we are closely monitoring the rapidly changing conditions & government response to COVID-19. Our goal during this difficult time is to protect every person from the risk of infection who enters any of our offices while remaining true to our mission of improving and sustaining the well-being of our clients. It is very important to maximize your recovery and achieve y r personal, recovery goals. i r We have developed a plan to identify potential hazards and reduce the chance of infection. We ask for your assistance in the following ways: • If you are sick and/or exhibit fever, cough, shortness of breath, please notify a member of our staff before entering the office (if possible). We may ne d t reschedule you. Call the office you normally att nd. If you are unsure, pleas all us. I A W H P! Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain rsday, June 11 | 2:00 pm R serve your sp t! Call (716) 634-1578 or visit: orthosportspt.pt orkshops.c m/OrthosportsPT-Williamsville/ virtualrotatorcuff/workshop
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