Army Navy Country Club Gift Certificate
Attend JA-sponsored events and visit Rainbow City for a chance to win Silver Anniversary Tickets! The certificates entitle the bearer to 25 hours of childcare at Rainbow City or the Junior Activities Recreation Room (JARR). Here Comes Summer is our next Silver Anniversary Ticket event!
Saturday, 22 June | 2:00 to 3:00 PM Rainbow City will host this event. This is a FREE family event - children of all ages and their parents are welcome to join the members of The Children’s Music Network. Be part of an interactive family concert! Please register for headcount purposes
"Sing to the Stars" is a fun, week-long camp all about developing your choral voice while learning about the world around us. Kids will have fun learning to harmonize, read music, and work as a team to put on a performance for family & friends at the end of the week! This is a full day camp with before/after care services available. Lunch & snack provided. Campers will also enjoy afternoon swim and other activities.
Rainbow City opens full-time beginning Monday, 17 June for the summer! Need quality/supervised childcare while you dine, play tennis, or just meet friends to catch up? Craft of the day, board games, and group activities are all the buzz in RC! Click here for Hours of Operation, full Rules & Regulation, and for Registration
Click here to register
June 2019 11
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