Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Spring Preview — April 26 - May 9, 2013 — 15C
And the sale of 156 Grant Ave in Jersey City, NJ North Bergen NJ: Michael Cervelli Real Estate proudly celebrates 30 years P roperty M anagement
orth Bergen NJ — Michael Cervelli Real Estate is proudly
We attribute our three decades of continued success to our devotion to steady leadership, ethical behavior and continued professional development. We believe in honesty, integrity and commitment to excellence and are look- ing forward to another 30 wonderful years of serving our community.
celebrat ing 30 years of b r o k e r a g e and property management serv i ces in N e w Yo r k and Northern New Jersey. From a small office inNorth
Chris Cervelli
Bergen, Cervelli Management has grown to serve communi- ties throughout Hudson and Bergen Counties as a dynamic leader in commercial, invest- ment, management and syndi- cation services since 1983. As a company, slow and steady has been our course. Coupled with our core values of hard work and ethical behavior our team of knowledgeable and highly specialized agents have successfully assisted clients through difficult economic cycles. In keeping with our values, our teammembers are dedicat- ed to increasing their expertise through attaining some of the highest level designations in our field. Members of our team include Commercial Brokerage CCIMdesignee, Chris Cervelli, as well as CertifiedApartment Managers Tom Pahos and Tom Cervelli. As a firm, we were mostly recently awarded the AMO Designation (Accredited Management Organization). Leading by his long example of honesty and integrity, Mi- chael Cervelli is also joined by his sons, Chris and James in a trend of diligent service and practical expertise. We are proud to offer our community some of the most knowledge- able and experienced profes- sional services available. We attribute our three de- cades of continued success to our devotion to steady lead- ership, ethical behavior and continued professional devel- opment. We believe in honesty, integrity and commitment to excellence and are looking forward to another 30 won- derful years of serving our community. Michael Cervelli Real Es- tate announces the sale of 156 Grant Ave. in Jersey City. The property traded for $98,611
per unit. The buyer, a local investor, was able to secure a 75% LTD ratio which signals
continued strength and com- petitiveness of the Jersey City investment market. n
156 Grant Ave
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