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Environment and Climate Change Canada gives instructions in case of severe weather, extreme heat, lightning, thunderstorm and tornadoes. It is important to be alert of weather changes and previsions when preparing to leave the house. Check the weather often, FJUIFSPOMJOFPSCZDBMMJOH)FMMP8FBUIFSBU 1-833-794-3556. EXTREME HEAT &YUSFNFIFBUDBODBVTFJMMOFTT JOKVSJFT  and even death. It’s important to think ahead BCPVUXIBUUPEPJOBOFYUSFNFIFBUFWFOU so that you can act immediately if needed. Check that your air conditioners or fans work and scope out a local air-conditioned spot to go to if you need a break from the heat. Pack cold drinks in your vehicle and fill your tank or charge up so you can leave quickly if needed. Plan visits with family or friends on hot days. This is especially important for people who are more at-risk for FYUSFNFIFBUFWFOUT MJLFPMEFSBEVMUT ZPVOH children, and people with chronic illnesses. Signs of heat illness can be missed over the phone, so it’s important to be with people in person. 8BUDIGPSTJHOTPGIFBUJMMOFTT FTQFDJBMMZ heat stroke, which is a medical emergency. Call 911 immediately if you or someone nearby has a high body temperature and is either unconscious, confused or has stopped sweating. 4JHOTPGIFBUFYIBVTUJPOJODMVEFTLJO rash, muscle cramps, dizziness or faint- ing, nausea or vomiting, heavy sweating, headache, rapid breathing and heartbeat, FYUSFNFUIJSTU EBSLVSJOF BOEEFDSFBTFE urination. Signs of heat stroke are high body tem- perature, dizziness or fainting, confusion and lack of coordination, no sweating but being very hot with red skin LIGHTNING AND STORMS &WFSZ ZFBS  $BOBEJBOT BSF LJMMFE BOE JOKVSFE EVSJOH UIVOEFSTUPSNT 4FWFSF thunderstorms can develop very quickly, bringing flying debris, lightning, and possible

tornadoes. Keep and eye on the sky, watch for weather warnings and listen for thunder. If you hear thunder, you are within striking distance of lightning. The only safe place during a thunderstorm is inside a building or a closed vehicle, as convertibles do not protect from lightning. If you’re on the water, get to shore immediately. Check the forecast and current conditions often so you know XIBUUPFYQFDU Tornadoes often develop very quickly, which makes them harder to predict than other types of hazardous weather. It is important to stay informed by checking the XFBUIFSSFHVMBSMZ&OWJSPONFOUBOE$MJNBUF Change Canada will issue watches, warnings, and “Broadcast Immediate Alerts” through UFMFWJTJPO SBEJP BOE-5&DPOOFDUFEBOE compatible wireless devices when a tornado PSFYUSFNFUIVOEFSTUPSNJTIBQQFOJOHPSJT about to happen. If it looks like strong wind or a tornado is coming, or you hear a warning or alert, go to the basement or a small interior ground floor room and shelter under a heavy table or desk. Get as close to the ground as possible, protect your head, watch for flying debris, and stay away from windows, outside walls, and doors. If you are in a car, RV, or trailer, go to a building with a strong foundation. If this is not possible, stay in your vehicle. Buckle your seatbelt and get below window level. Protect your head from debris. As a last resort, lie down in a ditch away from cars and mobile homes. 8BUDIGPSáPPEJOH%POPUIJEFJOBDVMWFSU or under a bridge. If you are driving and come to a flooded road, turn around. The water could be deeper than you think, the currents could be stronger than they appear, or the road could be washed away. Lors de la plupart des phénomènes météorologiques violents, l’endroit le plus sûr est l’intérieur. -photo Pexels CJÍSF#JFOTÚS MFQÍSF/PÌMGFSBVOFBQQB - SJUJPOMPSTEFMBQBSBEFEF/PÌMJMMVNJOÊF j/PVTTPNNFTSBWJTEBDDVFJMMJSÆOPV - WFBVOPUSFGFTUJWBMEF/PÌMÊCMPVJTTBOUÆ Casselman, a déclaré la présidente de la $BTTFMNBO%PXOUPXO3FWJUBMJ[BUJPO$PSQPSB - UJPO "OUPOFMMB%F%POB-F'FTUJWBMEF/PÌM de Casselman est un signe supplémentaire RVFOPVTSFUPVSOPOTÆMBOPSNBMFFUOPVT en sommes vraiment tous ravis. » -F GFTUJWBM EF RVBUSF KPVST BVSB MJFV du 1er au 4 décembre et comprendra un NBSDIÊEF/PÌMEFQSPEVJUTBSUJTBOBVYRVJ durera tout le weekend. Tous les détails et le calendrier des événements seront annoncés en septembre.

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Le Festival de Noël de Casselman, qui aurait dû en être à sa 15e édition, revient en décembre après une pause de deux ans. Le centre-ville historique de Casselman TFSBVOFGPJTEFQMVTMFUIÊÄUSFEFTSÊKPVJT - sances de la saison. Le retour du festival comprend un concert de Roch Voisine, un match de hockey avec d’anciens Canadiens de Montréal, le très populaire tournoi de hockey de rue 4 contre 4 et une fête de rue BWFDVOÊOPSNFGFVEFKPJFFUVOFUFOUFÆ

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