STATEMENT 8 “You’re dragging it. You’re being dramatic. You are going overboard. You’re being a helicopter parent. You are trying to get attention.” Consideration: All of those statements noted can be used to gaslight others. They have the potential make people feel sad, angry, frustrated, left out and under- valued. Helping people learn to take food allergies seriously is one of the things FAACT and others strive to do. Knowledge matters. WE know that there are some tell-tale signs of food allergies that can cause things like anaphylaxis. Check out FAACT’s ‘Know the Signs and Symptoms poster to gain more information. One allergic reaction may look a little different than another which could make some people wonder why this time you had hives or another time you had other symp- toms accompany one another. Understanding the FACTS about food allergy will help people realize that the immune system could handles this health concern in a variety of ways, yet it is still something to take seriously. When someone says they are allergic to xyz…. it’s best to believe them and let them manage their health the way their physician has advised them to. Unsolicited opinions, comments and judgments can be insulting at best and have the potential for a dangerous situation at worst.

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