STATEMENT 7 “What can you eat?”

Consideration: The World Economic Forum released information noting there are around 200-300,000 edible plants available though people don’t consume anywhere near all of them. It is clear there are a lot of foods available to eat so a person should not be diminished to only choose from those things that they have been diagnosed as aller- gic to. When asked this question, it can be quit insulting. It can make a person feel as if somehow, they are inferior because they can’t eat one or a few of the things a person mentioned. People with food allergies can thrive while still avoiding the things they are allergic to.

Reference: World Economic Forum “Why do we only consume a tiny fraction of the world’s edible plants?”

https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/why-do-we-consume-on- ly-a-tiny-fraction-of-the-world-s-edible-plants

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