Regulatory PD —Educate to exceed the bar Individuals, Permit Holders, Stakeholders
Professional Practice Firewall
detailed CPD submissions of 100 members in three categories: • members who failed to report any CPD hours in the past three years • members who had reported CPD but had not met minimum requirements • members who had met requirements
Overall, CPD reporting is poor. Many of our members are doing the required amount of CPD, but they don’t know how to record it. Over the last two years, we have learned a couple of things that will require effort and energy to change members’ CPD reporting habits. In 2019 Professional Practice will take steps to make it clearer to our licensed professionals: • what activities are eligible for CPD • how these activities can be reported We will also look at modernizing our CPD reporting tools. Reporting is not difficult once you understand the basics of the CPD Program— many more informal activities are eligible than you may realize. See links below. Professional Practice remains committed to your success within the framework of self-regulation, using a continuous cycle of develop- ment, education, review, and refine- ment. Collegial and collaborative in- teraction between you and the Pro- fessional Practice team is critical to this cycle. Many of our staff are professional members, so we under- stand the challenges of the work- place. As a result, we are available to help you better understand your professional and ethical obligations. There are many resources available on our website that can help you in your career. And you can always email us at
Develop or Refine Standards & Guidelines
Review Practice Against Standards & Guidelines
Educate on Standards & Guidelines
LINKS Annual Report 2017: Towards a Century of Service
How’s Your CPD Doing? The PEG, Fall 2017 Continuing Professional Development Program Professional Practice Management Plan Practice Standards and Guidelines
SUMMER 2018 PEG | 29
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