Policy News Journal - 2014-15

As the world, figuratively speaking, gets smaller, and more businesses have a much more mobile workforce, increasing numbers of CIPP members have become involved with international payroll.

The CIPP is keen to support its members and has issued this survey to discover what support members need and would like to see the CIPP offer.

Although the survey is very short and should only take a few minutes to complete, the information you give us will help us to help you process international payrolls. The survey will close on 30 October 2014. Thank you very much for your help.

Do you use the PAYE Desktop Viewer?

21 January 2015

Do you or have you had experience of using the PAYE Desktop viewer?

If you do have experience of using the PAYE desktop viewer and can spare 60 - 90 minutes for a research interview that will assist with a piece of work being carried out by HMRC, please email Samantha Mann via policy .

The interview will likely be held by telephone but depending on location a face to face interview might be possible.

Thank you.

CIPP Survey - Re-allocation of PAYE remittances

16 February 2015

Some employers appear to be experiencing difficulties in reconciling their PAYE remittances which in turn seems to have a knock on effect on payment allocations for other tax periods.

The number of employers who now use the Yellow Payslip Booklet to pay over their PAYE remittances has decreased significantly in recent years, with more direct online services being favoured for making payments.

GOV.UK guidance tells employers that they will need to use the correct reference number to ensure that the payment is allocated to the correct account and tax period, specifically,

You’ll need to use your 13-character Accounts Office reference number as the payment reference. You can find this on:

 the letter HMRC sent you when you first registered as an employer  the front of your payment booklet or the letter from HMRC that replaced it

Your payment may be delayed if you use the wrong reference number.

Reports from employers and their agents suggest that this isn’t always a guarantee of success. The CIPP Policy team have created a short survey to gather experiences of employers and/or their agents to see whether this issue is widespread of whether guidance could be improved to ensure that PAYE payments always reach their intended destination. The survey will close on 16 March. The CIPP policy team welcome any comments or feedback that you may have on the operation of the Payment & Liabilities viewer, remittance payments and late filing penalties, please contact Samantha Mann at policy .

CIPP Policy News Journal

08/04/2015, Page 47 of 521

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