The Newsletter Pro November 2018

on to the next big idea before the time is right. On the flip side, integrators need visionaries to provide purpose and meaning to their work. Because integrators excel at the day-to-day operations, it’s easy for them to lose sight of the forest for the trees. Visionaries help guide the efforts of integrators toward the most productive ends. Throughout “Rocket Fuel,” Wickman and Winters offer numerous examples of successful visionary/integrator pairings, including Walt Disney and his brother, Roy; Henry Ford and James Couzens; and Ray Kroc and Fred Turner of McDonald’s. Each of these stories serves to illustrate how the two types play off each other’s natural talent, creating a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts. If you want your business to soar into the stratosphere, you need the right leadership fuel. “Rocket Fuel” will deepen your ideas about the types of personalities that, when working together as a team, can lead your business into a brighter future. What? Are you crazy? Hard is what we do. Hard is why you get paid hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. You don’t get to six or seven figures by working 40 hours a week doing the easy things in life. This avoidance of hard work is coming in part from all the fake “get rich quick” garbage on the internet — rented Lamborghinis for videos in front of a mansion they found on Airbnb, or the photo of the Rolls Royce on the runway with a private jet in the background … or worse yet, a video on the private jet claiming it is theirs, but you can see the initials of the real owner embroidered on the headrests. It’s ALL fake. You know what it costs to take a private plane from San Diego to Las Vegas? About $2,500. If they’re at all successful, and part of what they’re selling is a fantasy lifestyle, $2,500 for the trip to Vegas to record videos that will help them sell $50,000 of product is simply a marketing cost. Of course, these people likely fly Southwest in a middle seat back to San Diego, but who cares? No one is filming that. I know three people who have private jets — all real entrepreneurs. If I wanted to make a video, how hard would it be to sit in their hangar and film? It wouldn’t even cost me anything.The reality is that no one is getting rich quick. There are no overnight-millionaire makers. There are no legal

secrets that will bring you massive piles of cash in a short period of time. People who claim to get rich quickly are lying or cheating someone in some way. If you follow internet marketing at all, you may have noticed that most of the gurus don’t sell as many huge courses. A few years ago, it was all the rage to have a million-dollar launch in 7 1/2 minutes. Of course, the 7 1/2 minutes didn’t count the months spent putting the campaign together to sell all those units. It didn’t count the weeks spent making the course. The other problem with this business model is that your product and ideas can be easily ripped off, and once you’ve sold the product, paid affiliates, and covered the 20 percent returns, that million-dollar launch turns into $300,000, and unless you create another product, you’re out of business. The alternative to “get rich quick” is to find a business or marketing technique that is complicated — one that would be difficult to copy. I know nine people who have seen the success we’ve had at The Newsletter Pro and tried to copy us. From those nine people, I know of nine failed businesses. Why? What we do is flipping hard. We may make it easy for our customers, but make no mistake — creating a custom newsletter that sounds like it was written by each business owner

and gets opened and read is not easy. I don’t have 60 employees because I simply want to employ all of Boise; I have them because that is what is needed to execute at a high level for my business. Those nine people who copied us failed because my team and I have taken something that is very complicated and created systems and processes that make it easier for us to execute. Trying to recreate this company from scratch without those systems and processes isn’t easy. The reason I was successful is that I had almost no competition. The product we have today isn’t the same one we started with. If someone was a customer even just a few years ago and isn’t today, they’d be surprised by how different everything is, including the quality of the product. If a new company comes in and tries to compete, they’ll have to at least get close to our quality or they simply won’t get the business, and to get close to our quality without all of our systems makes it difficult to turn a profit. This is why I love complexity. This is why I embrace hard stuff in business. These systems and processes also make the company more valuable from a resale standpoint, which is an added benefit.

Continued on page 6 ...

Have You Heard the Good News?

Ephesians 5:20 — ”Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 4:6 — ”Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Colossians 4:2 — ”Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” Philippians 1:3 — ”I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.”




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