Nursing and Midwifery Research Annual Report 2021

• Fry M, Fitzpatrick L, Coates D Harris C, Munroe B. Improving emergency department safety through more consistent early detection and assessment of patient deterioration. • Fry M, Elliott R, Curtis K, Fitzpatrick L, Groth R, Murphy S, Jones K, Hofman C. Family members’ perceptions of older person discharge from emergency departments. • Pilowsky J. Establishing the prevalence of pre-existing mental health disorders in patients admitted to an adult intensive care unit. • Hammond N, Crowe L, Abbenbroek B, Elliott R, Tian D, Donaldson L, et al. Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on critical care healthcare workers’ depression, anxiety, and stress levels. • Fry M, Elliott R. Supporting nurse practitioners, nurses and midwife leaders across NSW to become knowledge brokers and users of health informatics to better build an intelligent and flexible workforce that is focused on safety and person-centred care project. • Fry M, Elliott R, Duncan S. Enabling nurses and midwives to become health informatic knowledge brokers to better build an intelligent and flexible workforce that is focused on safe and person-centred care.

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