Law Office of William F. Underwood - August 2018


It may not feel like it yet, but summer is coming to a close, and summer break is ending along with it. Soon, the kids will be back to early morning breakfasts before the school bus arrives and late- night study sessions. Thankfully, there are some steps your family can take during these closing weeks of summer to ensure your kids hit the ground running this school year. SET AN EARLY BEDTIME For many kids, summer schedules are flexible. They may have become accustomed to sleeping in and staying up late without any obligations. Getting back into the rhythm of the school year can take some getting used to. In fact, according to psychologist Cherie Valeithian, it can take upward of two weeks to properly adjust to a new sleep-wake cycle. So why not give your kids a head start and ensure they begin the school year bright-eyed and bushy-tailed? OUTLINE A HOMEWORK SCHEDULE Resuming a homework regimen can be a difficult transition for some kids. Late summer, when they don’t have assignments to worry about

yet, can be a great opportunity to help them prepare a study schedule. Ask the following questions to help them get started: “Do you want to dive right into homework when you get home? Do you need to accommodate for a sport or extracurricular activity? Do you work best when doing your assignments in one large chunk, or would you prefer taking breaks in between assignments?” Your kids may find that last year’s schedule doesn’t work for them this year. Emphasize that this is okay; part of growing up is learning how and when you work most effectively. Don’t be afraid to help them switch things up as the school year progresses. ASK YOUR KIDS HOW THEY FEEL Maybe your kids are excited about the school year. Maybe they are anxious, or perhaps they’re just disappointed to see summer vacation come to an end. Starting a dialogue about the aspects of school your kids are looking forward to and those they’re dreading can help you dispel myths and identify problem areas. More than anything else, this can help your kids feel at ease about the coming year.



Though the Georgia workers’ compensation system is supposed to be set up to shelter workers from the financial strain of work- related injuries, it can sometimes seem so complex and convoluted that it’s not worth pursuing benefits at all. If your employer’s insurance company gets involved and starts trying to push back, it can be an utterly exhausting process to face alone — especially when you’re recovering from an injury that’s still causing you pain. According to a 2017 study by the nonprofit Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI), 18 percent of Georgians who suffered an injury at work that sidelined them for at least seven days stated they had serious issues getting services that they or their medical provider wanted done, predominantly because the “employer or insurer did not want the care provided.”

workers’ compensation system demand a payment guarantee upfront. And when your employer or insurance company continuously delays authorizing payments, it can feel like they’re trying to stall you out to the point that you give up. But these shady tactics should never cause you to give up — instead, you should just fight harder. It can be difficult to wrangle the workers’ compensation system and battle with the insurance companies, but with the right attorney on your side, you can bet that you’ll have a lot more negotiating power. And better yet, you can leave the logistics to the experts and get back to focusing on your life and recovery. If you’ve recently suffered an injury at work or you’re feeling burned out by the workers’ compensation labyrinth, call William “Trey” Underwood, III at 229-888-0888 today. We’ll ensure you get the full extent of the benefits you deserve.

The problem is that, despite the fact that you don’t need prior approval to seek specific treatments, many doctors within the

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