The Book of in-lite 2021

HUB-50 & HUB-100

The HUB controls the outdoor lighting. A touch screen is used to easily configure the desired settings. The HUB-50 and HUB-100 cables cannot be operated separately.


A 12V cable is rolled out from the transformer and guided along the fixtures. You can choose between two types: the 14/2 and the 10/2 cable. With the 14/2 cable, the distance between the transformer and end of the cable may be no longer than 40 meters. With the 10/2 cable, the maximum distance is 80 meters.


Want to split or branch the cable? Use the cable connector (CC-2) to split the cable plan in no time. Just make sure that any branches are included in the maximum cable length between the HUB and fixture.


Every fixture comes with an EASY LOCK. This is used to connect the fixture to any point along the main cable.


The cable can end anywhere in the yard and does not have to form a closed system. Cable caps are added to the cable ends to ensure that moisture cannot enter. These are available in two versions for the different cables.

Maximum cable length: 14/2 cable = 40 m 10/2 cable = 80 m



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