Roadside PT: Relieving Neck Pain

Cauliflower Rice Skillet


• 1 lb ground beef • 1/4 medium onion diced • 1/2 red pepper diced • 3 tbsp taco seasoning • 1 cup diced tomatoes • 12 ounces cauliflower rice • 1/2 cup chicken broth • 1 1/2 cups shredded cheese

I absolutely love this place! It’s a family owned business and they’re very attentive to clients needs. They have a great space which includes both physical therapy and personal training. I recently visited for physical therapy to get some help with my IT Band issues. Rashmi really helped me with my injury with acknowledging where my weaknesses were and giving exercises to strengthen and stretches to relieve tightness. Thanks to the Vert family and Rashmi I’m back to running again. I highly recommend this place. You will not be disappointed. - Nicole L Ingredientes

Instructions In a l rg skillet over medium heat, brown the ground beef until almost cooked through (just a little pink). Add the onion and pepper and continue to cook until no longer pink. Stir in t e taco seasoning. Add the tomatoes and cauliflower rice and stir to combine. Stir in the broth and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to medium low and cook until the cauliflower rice begins to soften (8 to 10 minutes for frozen). Sprinkle the skillet with the cheese and cover. Let cook until the cheese is melted, 3 or4m nutes.R move fromheatand topwithyour favorite toppings likesourcream, avocado, and chopped cilantro.

Patient Success Spotlight

Sarté De Arroz De Coliflor

“Vaysa and her team are very pleasant and professional.” “I had issues with my rotator cuff and my orthopedist recommended physical therapy. When I had my follow-up visit, he was thrilled with my progress. Vaysa and her team are very pleasant and professional. I highly recommend this practice.” - Elizabeth K. Opiniones de los pacientes “Vaysa y su equipo son muy agradables y profesionales.” “Tuveproblemasconmimanguitorotadory la terapia físicarecomendadapor mi ortopedista. Cuando tuve mi visita de seguimiento, él estaba encantado con mi progreso. Vaysa y su equipo son muy agradables y profesionales. Recomiendo esta práctica.” - Elizabeth K.

• 1 libra de carne molida • 1/4 cebolla mediana cortada en cubitos • 1/2 pimien rojo cortado en cubitos • 3 cucharadas de condimento para tacos

• 1 taza de tomates cortados en cubitos • 12 onzas de arroz con coliflor

• 1/2 taza de caldo de pollo • 1 1/2 tazas de queso rallado

Instrucciones Enunasarténgrandea fuegomedio,dore lacarnemolidahastaqueestécasicocida (solo un poco de color rosa). Agregue la cebolla y el pimiento y continúe cocinando hastaquenoesténrosados.Agregueelcondimentopara tacos.Agregue los tomates y el arroz de coliflor y revuelva para combinar. Agregue el caldo y ponga a fuego lento.Reduzcael fuegoamediobajoycocinehastaqueelarrozdecoliflorcomience a ablandarse (de 8 a 10 minutos para congelar). Espolvorea la sartén con el queso y tapa. Dejar cocer hasta que el queso se derrita, 3 o 4 minutos. Retire del fuego y cubra con sus ingredientes favoritos como crema agria, aguacate y cilantro picado.

Clinic News! Noticias de la clínica!

Exercise Essentials Good For Neck Pain

Ejercicios esenciales Bueno para el dolor de cuello

CHIN TUCK SUPINE Lie with roll under neck. Without lifting head, tuck chin gently. Keep the large muscles in the neck relaxed.

PLIEGUE DE MENTÓN EN POSICIÓN SUPINA Recuéstateconunrollodebajodelcuello. Sin levantar la cabeza, pliega el mentón suavemente. Mantén los músculos grandes del cuello relajados.


Always consult yourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercises youareunsureofdoing. Siempre consultaa tu fisioterapeutaomédicoantesde comenzar losejerciciosquenoestás segurodehacer.

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