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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 L’ARGENT DU BUDGET NON DÉPENSÉ Le conseil municipal de Hawkesbury a approuvé une recommandation visant à placer une partie de l’argent du budget des travaux d’immobilisations de 2023 dans un fonds de réserve, en vue d’une utilisation ultérieure. Cet argent a été affecté à l’acquisition d’un nouveau chasse-neige destiné au déneigement des trottoirs, à l’achat d’une lame à neige pour la chargeuse ainsi qu’à l’installation d’une porte d’urgence pour la salle multisports du complexe spor- tif. Ces travaux n’ont pas été réalisés pour diverses raisons. L’administration souhaite conserver l’argent pour un usage ultérieur. - Gregg Chamberlain CHRISTMAS IS COMING As the Yuletide season draws near, Hawkesbury council has approved the temporary closure of part of Main Street for the annual Christmas Parade. The section of Main Street between the James Street and Williams Street inter- sections will be closed to public traffic from 3 to 9 p.m., December 9, for the Christmas Parade. – Gregg Chamberlain MISE À JOUR DU PLAN D’URGENCE Le conseil municipal de Hawkesbury a approuvé le règlement 53-2023 pour la mise à jour du plan d’urgence munici- pal. La révision concerne la création d’un nouveau comité de six membres pour superviser les mesures d’urgence en cas de crise locale ou régionale. - Gregg Chamberlain



Hawkesbury council members may have no choice but to approve a big tax inc- rease for the 2024 municipal budget. “Inflation has caught up with us,” said Mayor Robert Lefebvre, during an interview BGUFSUIF/PWFNCFSTQFDJBMTFTTJPOPG council. Councillor André Chamaillard was the sole NFNCFSPGDPVODJMBCTFOUGPSUIF8FEOFTEBZ afternoon meeting during which Finance Director Philippe Timbers presented the first draft for the 2024 budget. The proposed budget calls for   GPSNVOJDJQBMPQFSBUJPOT FYQFOTFT BMNPTUB JODSFBTF compare to the 2023 municipal budget. After accounting for all senior-level government grants and other revenue sources for the town, the budget requires a municipal levy PG  SBJTFEUISPVHIQSPQFSUZ taxes to meet all of next year’s operations expenses. 5IBUNFBOTBQFSDFOUJODSFBTFJO the amount of taxes that the municipality needs to collect. For the average homeowner, XJUIBIPVTFBOEMBOEWBMVFEBU   UIBUNFBOTBOJODSFBTFPGJOQSP - perty taxes for possible municipal tax bill PG  Other homeowners, whose property has an assessed value higher or lower than the average, would pay more or less property taxes. Businesses and other properties

Les membres du conseil municipal de Hawkesbury sont confrontés à un défi de taille en ce qui concerne les plans pour le budget de l’année prochaine. Le premier projet de budget pour 2024, s’il reste inchangé, prévoit une augmentation des impôts de 6,5 %. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

For several years now council and admi- nistration have managed to keep the annual tax rate increase low when planning the annual budget. But that may not be possible for the 2024 budget. j8FIBWFUPNBJOUBJOPVSJOGSBTUSVDUVSF v said Mayor Lefebvre, adding that some municipal services, like Hawkesbury’s public library and the indoor pool inside the sports complex serve more as regional facilities. 1FPQMFGSPN&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ5PXOTIJQBOE Champlain Township use those facilities also, not just Hawkesbury residents. Council will meet later in the month for a second budget review session. The specific date is not decided yet.

within the municipality would have different property tax amounts. &NQMPZFFTBMBSJFTBOECFOFàUT àSF protection and policing service, recreation services, and transportation costs like gasoline for municipal vehicles account for BMNPTUQFSDFOUPGNVOJDJQBMPQFSBUJPO costs. These are fixed costs, with few or no options for council and administration to consider for reducing expenses and lowering the tax increase. Mayor Lefebvre noted that the big chal- lenge for council and administration for this budget will be trying to find a balance between maintaining existing programs and services and finding ways to reduce some operation costs.

Veuillez éviter de stationner sur le parcours de la parade.

Parade de Noël

Please avoid parking on the parade route.



Lettres au Père Noël et biscuits Letters to Santa and cookies 4 - 6:30 p.m. - The Review Venez rencontrer le Père Noël Come meet Santa Claus 4:30-6 p.m. - Parc Town Square 5:30-7:30 p.m. - École Saint-Grégoire

hr Christmas Parade

Friday, Dec 1- 6:30 p.m. Vendredi, 1 déc. - 18 h 30 Vankleek Hill, Champlain , ON

Fin Finish École Saint-Grégoire

Café et chocolat chaud Coffee and hot chocolate


Artisanat et conte de Noël Christmas craft and storytime 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Bibl. de Champlain Lib. .[OWG|GgÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ,Ggif[[Xg Creating Centre de Créativité (13 Highway 34) Bibliothèque de Champlain Library (94 Main St) École Saint-Grégoire School (50 Home Ave)


Le Foodland de Vankleek Hill ramassera les denrées non-périssables durant la parade.

Poste Canada ramassera les lettres pour le Père Noël pendant la parade. Canada Post will be picking up letters to Santa during the parade. 613-678-3601

Vankleek Hill Foodland will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items along the parade route.

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