
乐家公司应当予以拒绝。 Melaleuca shall reject any order or alteration application, submitted by any customer, with a

delivery address dropping into Prohibited Areas.

限制地区开放申请 Application for Business Development in Restricted Areas


3.1 推广服务商需达到资深服务商( SD )或以上级别,方可成为限制地区开 放申请人。丧失限制地区开放申请资格的推广服务商,不得成为限制地 区开放申请人。 A Business Development Service Provider (hereinafter “Service Provider”) may become a

qualified applicant for business development in Restricted Areas only when it has advanced

to the level of SD or above. Any Service Provider, whose qualification of application for

business development in Restricted Areas has been forfeited, will never be a qualified

applicant for business development in Restricted Areas.

3.2 限制地区开放申请人在申请限制地区开放时,需由达到并连续保持执 行服务商( ED )或以上级别三个月以上的中国大陆推广服务商作为限制 地区开放担保人。达到并连续保持执行服务商( ED )或以上级别三个月 以上的中国大陆推广服务商作为限制地区开放申请人的,无需其他推 广服务商进行担保。丧失限制地区开放担保资格的推广服务商不得为 其他限制地区开放申请人提供担保,已经提供担保的,该担保自担保资 格丧失之日起解除。 When applying for business development in Restricted Areas, the applicant shall need a

Service Provider as a guarantor who has advanced to and been constantly remaining ED or

above of mainland of China for more than three months. If the applicant for business

development in Restricted Areas is a Service Provider who has advanced to and been

constantly remaining ED or above of mainland of China for more than three months, it is not

required to have any other Service Provider as a guarantor. Any Service Provider, whose

qualification of guarantor for business development in Restricted Areas has been forfeited,

will never be a qualified guarantor for business development in Restricted Areas; if any

application has been guaranteed by such Service Provider, such guarantee shall be

terminated from the date of forfeit of the guarantor’s qualification.

3.3 限制地区申请经政策合规团队审核批准后,限制地区开放申请人成为 限制地区业务开展人。限制地区于次月向限制地区业务开展人及其市 场成员开放。 After the application for business development in Restricted Areas is approved by the

Compliance Team, the applicant for business development in Restricted Areas becomes a

business developer of Restricted Areas (hereinafter “Business Developer”), and Restricted

美乐家(中国)日用品有限公司 上海市闸北区广中西路 355 号宝华中心 12 楼

电话 : 86-21-26074009 www.melaleuca.com.cn

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