
A C T U A L I T É S • N E W S


Liza Langevin Project Officer

Les besoins de votre clientèle / The Needs of Your Customers


Toronto, which cut capacity in gyms, bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Dr. Roumeliotis had previously called for the region to impose the same lockdowns as Ottawa if that city reverted to stage 2, but he said the rules imposed last week did not create enough of a difference between the two regions. The availability of hospital beds, strong contact tracing and small community spread did not justify further restrictions at this stage, he said. “Our numbers are going up, but we have not had any from restaurants, bars, or event halls or gymnasiums in our area,” he said. “Those parameters address our issues lo- cally. I do not think that at this point I would want to move forward in instituting some of the changes that happened in Ottawa, Peel or Toronto. I do not think we’ll have people from Ottawa come to our area because the restaurants have less capacity.” Dr. Roumeliotis did, however, have a blunt message for anyone planning to visit from a red zone in Quebec. “Don’t come here,” he said. “Stay at home.” All COVID-19 assessment centres in the region have become appointment-only services, after the province changed require- ments last week. All testing at Casselman is expected to move to the Calypso Water Park parking lot by Wednesday. Dr. Roumeliotis said the appointment-only model would help prioritize symptomatic patients.

The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) area recorded more than double the new COVID-19 cases over the weekend compared to the same period last week. Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) Medi- cal Officer of Health Dr. Paul Roumeliotis said the 25 new cases, 22 of which were recorded in Prescott-Russell, were concentrated in areas close to Ottawa. He said between six and eight of the new cases were tied to a single party, while others came from clusters or were found in those who commuted to either Ottawa or Quebec. Despite the sharp rise in cases, only two people were hospitalized as of Monday afternoon, and neither were in intensive care. Two sole cases remained ongoing at institutional facilities; one at Residence L’Erabliere in Limoges, and the other at Foyer St-Jacques Nursing Home in Embrun. The weekend cases brought the region’s total number of cases since the pandemic began to 299. Province-wide changes made on Friday re- quire everyone to wear masks in workplaces where adequate physical distancing is not possible, as well as on all public transport and in shopping centres. Dr. Roumeliotis said it was not yet necessary to locally implement additional rules imposed on Ottawa, Peel and

Il est bien d’avoir un produit à offrir, mais au-delà d’un produit, qu’est-ce que vous offrez? Offrez-vous un mode de vie ou un réconfort? Apportez-vous une solution à un problème? À qui vos produits parlent-ils? Posez-vous ces quelques questions en gardant vos clients en tête. Qu’est-ce qui est important pour eux, ce qui les motive et quel est leur but dans la vie? Focalisez votre énergie sur les clients qui ont la caractéristique d’être réceptifs à votre message. Identifiez la valeur de votre produit qui motivera les individus à se le procurer. Est-ce que vos clients sont prêts à se déplacer et à payer? L’option d’une boutique en ligne pourrait être avantageuse pour votre entreprise. Elle procure la vente rapide, réduit les coûts d’exploitation, manifeste votre présence et retire des données concernant les tendances de vos clients. Identifiez le besoin de vos clients et ensuite, trouvez une solu- tion à ce besoin grâce à votre produit. Comment allez-vous vous différencier des autres et combler un besoin spécifique? Les clients sont plus susceptibles d’acheter pour une raison émotive plutôt que rationnelle. Voilà pourquoi il est important de connaitre ce qui les motive. Votre entreprise existe pour répondre à un problème. Le métier d’entrepreneur est de trouver des solutions. Avant d’être en mesure de connaître les autres, faites cet exercice avec vous-même. Qui êtes-vous? Qu’avez-vous à offrir? It is good to have a product to offer, but beyond a product, what do you offer? Are you offering a lifestyle or comfort? Are you offering a solution to a problem?Who does your product talk to? Ask yourself these few questions with your customers in mind. What is important to them, what motivates them and what is their purpose in life? Focus your energy on customers who have the characteristic of being receptive to your message. Identify the value of your product that will motivate people to buy it. Are your customers willing to travel and pay for your product? The option of an online store could be profitable for your business. It provides quick sales, reduces operating costs, shows your presence and collects data about your customers’ trends. Identify the need of your customers and then find a solution to that need with your product. How will you differentiate your- self fromothers andmeet a specific need? Customers are more likely to buy for an emotional reason instead of a rational one. That's why it's important to know what motivates them. Your business exists to respond to a problem. The job of an entrepreneur is to find solutions. Before you can get to know others, do this exercise with yourself. Who are you? What do you have to offer?


Brunet 17 e tournoi de golf Subway Brunet / ACSM 2020 17 th Subway Brunet / CMHA Golf Tournament 2020

Jean et Rachel Hotte Josée Brisson (Cooperators, Orléans) Larry et Micheline Harvey Les Aliments Viau Réjean et Liette Lalonde Maize siding, St Pascal Medical Arts, Ottawa Municipalité Russsell Pharmacie Jean Coutu, Embrun Sofina foods DONS / DONATIONS Chevaliers de Colomb Rockland Cité Clarence Rockland Club Optimiste St-Pascal Dr Pierre Tessier Foyer St. Jacques, Embrun Hélène Dallaire Laurier et Suzanne Lalonde Mireille Brunet Physio Gougeon, Embrun Propane Levac Ruth Maxwell Think Virtual CFO (David Ewart) Yvon et Denise Brunet


20 + restaurants Subway : Prescott-Russell, Ottawa, Orléans et Outaouais

Club Lions, Clarence Creek Financière Banque Nationale (Martin Lacroix ) Gaudreau Services financiers, Rockland Le Genesis, Limoges Murielle Valois Pascal et Gisele Brunet SUBWAY (ENO) Sunshine Snow Service Inc., Ottawa GRANDS COMMANDITAIRES GREAT SPONSOR Appliance Gallery on Bank Dr Luc et Lydia Rochon

Formidable Allure (Richard Bergeron)

Jacques Brunet Marcil Lavallée Nérée Lavictoire Roofing & Siding, Clarence Creek Pharmacie Pharmachoix, Rockland Sure Print & Graphics, Orléans COMMANDITAIRES SPONSORS Action Plus Physio Burnbrae Farms Club optimiste, Embrun Grandmaître Virgo Evans, Lawyers/Avocats, Orléans

Merci! Thank you! 21,000$

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