Training systems
Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04
See Annex 3, Teach Back for aims, learning objectives and requirements for each teach back session
The aim of this lesson is to put focus on the correlation and differences between aims and learning objectives, and to ensure that considerations about why a training is offered and what the expected outcome of a training should be included in the instructors’ considerations when planning learning activities.
After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:
20) Explain the correlation and differences between aims and learning objectives and their purposes for training documentation and didactical considerations (Knowledge, intermediate level)
The instructor shall:
Demonstrate how to interpret aims and learning objectives while alignment them with taxonomy and activities in lesson planning
Present a time out to model how this alignment was used to plan a lesson from day 1
The participants shall:
Work in small groups to examine a lesson through the levels of aim, learning objectives, and activities within one domain (knowledge, skills, ability)
Groups will share their findings
The aim of this lesson is to emphasise the importance of alignment between learning objectives and learning activities as being the core purpose of the GWO Taxonomy Framework
After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:
21) Explain the scaffolding of a learning objective in relation to the GWO Taxonomy Framework’s complexity levels and learning domains (Knowledge, intermediate level)
22) Explain the correlation between learning objectives and learning activities (Knowledge, intermediate level)
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