Training systems
Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04
At this point participants should be working on designing lessons and learning activities for their next teach back sessions. Participants will continue to build on their work in upcoming lessons, so participants should be able to access their work repeatedly to continue.
The aim of this lesson is to inspire the participants to apply multiple relevant visual aids in their learning activities to emphasise learning points and visually support learners’ processes
After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:
36) Discuss benefits and challenges with visual teaching and training aids (Knowledge, intermediate level)
37) Apply relevant illustrative tools to support learning points (Skills, intermediate level )
The instructor shall:
Introduce types of visual aids that instructors may use in a training as well as their benefits and limitations
Facilitate a discussion around participants’ experiences both as instructors and learners in relation to the use of visual aids
Facilitate an exercise on developing illustrations to support learning points
The participants shall:
Reflect and share their own experiences with the strengths and limitations of using visual aids in training
Discuss how visual aids may be used in their own planning of learning activities
Develop illustrations that support learning points
The aim of this lesson is to enable the participant to organise learning activities in relevant topics, sequence and taxonomic progression.
After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:
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