IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants can:

39) Explain the difference between formative and summative feedback (Knowledge, intermediate level)

40) Discuss their reflections and evaluations in structured feedback to a learner (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Present principles of how to align formative assessment, feedback, and summative assessments

Facilitate a discussion about different structures and aims of providing feedback to learners

Facilitate a feedback exercise, where all participants practise providing feedback to another person

The participants shall:

Reflect and discuss their own experience with providing and receiving feedback as both an instructor and learner

Discuss obstacles to provide and receiving feedback

Practise tools and structures to provide feedback

Work on developing an assessment plan for the learning activity they have been developing, including a structure for providing feedback


This catch up is particularly important as almost all topics have been addressed at this midway point. From this point all participants will be building on the foundations built in the first half of the course.


Take specific time to have participants reflect on what they have learned, what they would like to know more about, and where they may have questions.

Align the participants’ input with your own consecutive notes and assessments

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